🍡Jealous (JeongSungLix)

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-1496 words


No one pov

Felix had 7 friends in total, two of which he had a more of a complicated relationship. Jisung and Jeongin, he loved them both, and they both loved him, maybe a little too much.

There were the good times, like when the three of them were trying to bake cupcakes and it ended with flour and icing all over the place. Or when Jisung, not so subtly, pushed the blond into the pool causing him to land on Jeongin, almost drowning him. They weren't good good, but they were funny. Good memories.

But there are also the more troubling times, the times when Jisung and Jeongin fight. It's always over the most stupidest of reasons as well. 

"I swear to god if you guys don't stop fighting over the fucking volume I'm gonna make you watch to movie on mute!" Minho or Chan were usually the ones to break up their fighting. Felix just watched, thinking about how much they acted like a married couple, only more aggressive... sometimes.

One time it got so bad they started throwing things at each other, nothing really really bad, but when Felix got hit in the face by a flying pillow, for what felt like the hundredth time, he knew there was a deeper meaning to this mini rivalry. 

"Why!? Why do you two constantly pick on each other? What's the point?"

Currently Felix was in his room trying to finish his math's assignment. The 8 of them lived in the same dorm building, 2 to a place, but they would often just spend the night together in any one of the four dorms. Sleeping on the floor, on the couch, sharing a bed, it didn't really matter. Tonight they were at Felix and Chan's place just like the last couple of nights.

Felix was getting frustrated listening to the yelling through the walls, it was making it hard to concentrate. Stepping out of his room and making his way to the living room he watched as Minho scolded the two boys, the pair staring daggers at each other. "What is it now?"

The three turned their gaze to Felix, "apparently, they were getting in each others personal space, even though they were on complete opposite ends of the couch," the eldest said with an eye roll. He went to leave the room, stopping by Felix on his way out, "please, for the sake of everyone's sanity, sort these two out, I heard them arguing about you the other day. Maybe you can do something about it."

"I'll try.

"Good," with that Minho left.

Felix walked up to the pair and took a set in between them. "Explain," he commanded.

"Explain what?"

"Jeongin you dumbass, stop acting so clueless-"

"Jisung shut the fuck up!" The pair stared at the angry blond in between them, they had never really seen this side of him.

"I'm sick and tired of this, everyone is sick and tired of this. You two need to grow up. So explain. Now!" He looked between the two of them, trying his best to seem intimidating. Jeongin sighed, looking into Jisungs eyes angrily has he spoke. "Me and Jisung have just been... arguing about something."

"Jeongin you're always arguing about something."

"What Jeongin could of said is that we're competing for something." Jisung corrected. Jeongin scoffed, "if you're gonna be so straight forward you should at lest get it right. It's more like we're competing for someone."

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