The dark knight from the Asahina kingdom, known as Knight Aoyagi, was sent to go on mission...which sent him to go very far away from the kingdom. The dark mage, Rui Kamishiro, sent him to explore outside of the kingdom, far away, and told him to see if he could find things to make poisons with. Aoyagi wasn't very pleased with his request...but decided to do it anyway.
He rode on his horse, as he was entering a dessert. He could feel a hot burst of air flow through his dual blue was an awful feeling. He wasn't used to it. So he didn't like it. The dark land of Asahina was always so cold and snowy, so he wasn't used to the heat. He kept going further into the dessert...he was getting tired...and he didn't know his way back...his horse was slowing down too.
"...huff.." Aoyagi sighed as he felt his horse freeze with how tired it was
"Ah...maybe we should...stop before we proceed.." Aoyagi hopped off his horse and took out a stick. He planted it on the ground, and hooked his horse's collar (Or whatever you call it) to the thick stick.
He decided to walk a little bit farther into the the hot dessert...but as he walked...he felt the hotness getting to him...he then collapsed to the sandy grounds of the dessert. "Am I dying?" Thought Aoyagi... "Shit..I should've never listened to that damn mage Kamishiro.." He then felt his eyes close
5 Hours later
Toya was still resting on the hot sand as he was still passed out. His breathing shallow...oh shit. What about the fucking horse, what happened to him? You know what, nobody cared about that ass in the first place.
Toya's cheeks flushed, his eyes then fluttered open...there he saw someone ontop of him who was straddling him. A boy with ginger hair, a bandana, with olive eyes.
"Hello? Are you okay..?" The voice from the boy said
"Please answer me"
Toya was having trouble with his vision, as he rubbed his eyes and looked at the boy ontop of him.
"Hm..?" Toya groaned as he looked at the other man
(I hate writing, I constantly get writing block. Istg, I'm going to LOSE MY GYATT)
The ginger boy sighed in relief
"Oh thank god you aren't dead! It would be a shame to think I was trying to save a dying corpse.." the boy chuckled awkwardly as he got off of Toya"So...what's your name?" The boy said again, as he fidgeted with his fingers
Toya sat up and rubbed his head "uh...Aoyagi Toya...from the Asahina kingdom"
"The Asahina kingdom..? Never heard of that before! My name is Shinonome Akito."
Toya looked at Shinonome. Huh. The boy said something about "trying to save" him...oh. So Shinonome was saving him while he was passed out? Interesting.
(Give me ideas for the next chapter, this writers block is making me LOSE it.)