Chapter Twenty: The Icy Encounter

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The evening of the blind date had finally arrived, casting an air of excitement and nervous anticipation over Theodore Moore. As the setting sun bathed the city in hues of orange and pink, Theodore found himself standing outside the entrance of a chic rooftop restaurant. His heart pounded in his chest, each beat echoing the mixture of apprehension and hope that Marcus's insistence had stirred within him.

Taking a deep breath to steady himself, Theodore pushed open the restaurant's sleek glass doors. The interior was a study in modern elegance—soft lighting, plush seating, and a panoramic view of the city's twinkling lights. As he stepped inside, his gaze scanned the room for his date, a mysterious woman whom Marcus had assured him would be a perfect match.

Spotting a solitary figure seated at a table near the edge of the rooftop, Theodore's steps grew more deliberate. His eyes were drawn to Thea Xarya, who sat with an air of calm poise, though her fingers fidgeted slightly with the edges of her napkin. As he approached, Theodore's mind raced with Marcus's encouragement to give love another chance, urging him to overcome his reservations.

"Good evening," Theodore greeted with a polite nod, trying to mask his nerves behind a veneer of formality. His tone was smooth but carried an undercurrent of tension.

Thea looked up from her menu, her eyes meeting Theodore's with a blend of curiosity and nervousness. "Hello, Theodore. It's nice to meet you."

The greeting felt slightly formal on both sides, but Thea's attempt at warmth was genuine. She offered him a tentative smile, hoping it would ease the initial stiffness. Theodore took his seat opposite her, the distance between them seeming to magnify the chill in the air.

As a waiter approached to take their drink orders, Thea felt a pang of unease. The initial excitement of the blind date was slowly giving way to a creeping discomfort. She had hoped for a lively conversation, but Theodore's demeanor was cool, his eyes scanning the menu with an intensity that suggested he was more focused on the food than the company.

Trying to break the ice, Thea ventured, "So, have you been to this restaurant before? The view is spectacular."

Theodore glanced up briefly, his expression inscrutable. "No, I haven't. I've heard good things about it, though."

Thea nodded, her smile faltering slightly as she took a sip of her wine. She pressed on, determined to make the best of the evening. "I've heard the chef here is quite renowned. I'm looking forward to trying the tasting menu. Do you have any particular preferences or dietary restrictions?"

Theodore shook his head. "No special preferences. I'm open to trying whatever they recommend."

The conversation stalled as the waiter departed with their orders, leaving them in a brief, awkward silence. Thea glanced out at the city skyline, hoping to draw some inspiration for a topic that might spark Theodore's interest. She shared anecdotes from her recent art exhibit, her voice animated as she described the colorful paintings and the stories behind them.

To her dismay, Theodore's responses were curt, lacking the engagement she had hoped for. His answers were functional, more focused on the logistics of the evening than on any shared enthusiasm for their surroundings. Thea found herself struggling to keep the conversation flowing, her attempts to connect met with polite but distant replies.

As the evening progressed and their meal arrived, Thea's initial excitement began to wane. The exquisite dishes were beautifully presented, but the enjoyment of the food was overshadowed by the palpable distance between them. The city lights sparkled below, casting a romantic glow on the scene that felt at odds with the chill in their interaction.

Thea's smile grew more strained as the evening wore on. She had hoped for a spark of connection, a glimmer of warmth that might bridge the gap between them, but instead, she found herself facing Theodore's impenetrable exterior. The barriers he had erected around himself seemed too high to overcome, leaving her feeling increasingly disheartened.

When dessert finally arrived—a decadent chocolate mousse that Thea had been looking forward to—she picked at it without much appetite. The conversation had dwindled to a near silence, broken only by polite comments about the food and the occasional exchange of pleasantries.

As the final course was cleared away and the bill was settled, Theodore stood up with a reserved nod. "Thank you for the evening, Thea. I appreciate you coming out."

Thea rose as well, her heart sinking as she offered him a polite but weary smile. "Likewise, Theodore. I hope you have a good night."

Theodore gave a brief nod before making his way towards the exit, his demeanor unchanged. Thea watched him leave, a mix of relief and disappointment settling over her. As she gathered her things and prepared to head home, she couldn't shake the feeling that the evening had been an unexpected letdown.

Walking out into the cool night air, Thea replayed the evening in her mind, reflecting on the moments that had felt awkward and disconnected. Despite her initial hopes, the blind date had not unfolded as she had imagined. As she made her way back to her apartment, she was left with the lingering realization that sometimes, even the best-laid plans can result in unexpected outcomes. The prospect of finding love remained, but tonight, it had eluded her once again.

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