"Step" Brother. Not Brother.

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Casey sat cuddled up on the living room couch with her favorite blanket, a box of tissues, and a bowl of popcorn.

While tears of happiness ran down her face, and her stomach filled with butterflies, as she watched one of her all time favorites on her list of from book to movies. Safe Haven.

She had just gotten to the part where Alex was chasing after Katie as she attempted to board the ferry.

When Casey heard keys in the door.

She turned her head to see Derek coming home from band practice. He tossed his stuff beside the door and gave a nod in her direction.

"What's up princess?"

"Hey D."

Derek could hear the sniffles in her voice and walked towards her carefully, thinking something was wrong. Then he looked at the TV and saw that she was watching one of her favorite sappy romance films.

The corner of his lips turned to a smile as he sat down on the couch and stretched his arm behind her shoulders.

"You know...Case...it's just a movie."

"But it's not! It's a powerful love story that has a message on to show and receive love, about strength, and courage."

Derek couldn't help but stare at Casey as she watched the movie.

They had become a lot closer since moving out of their parent's house.

Closer than Derek thought normal siblings would be.

But they weren't siblings.

They never had been.

Somehow Derek got roped into watching the rest of the movie with her and by the time the credits rolled. Casey had fallen asleep with her head in his lap.

Derek rolled his eyes and laid his head back, but then he looked down at her sleeping form.

Moving a piece of hair out of her face he couldn't help but admire the rare beauty that was Casey.

Derek sat there for a few moments before deciding that someone had to move.

"Case? Casey come on...wake up sleepy head. Let's get you into bed."

But Casey only stirred and sleepily said, "Carry me."

Derek sighed heavily and gently moved to set her head up so that he could stand. Then he removed the popcorn and blanket from off of her and carefully picked her up, bridal style.

Casey snuggled into Derek and uttered, "Thank you DerBear."

Without thinking or hesitation, Derek kissed her forehead and carried Casey to her bedroom. "You're welcome princess."

He laid her down gently into her bed and tucked her in.

Quietly sneaking out of the room and towards his own, Derek took one last look and smiled as he closed the door.

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