23.- Various Attempts At Mercy

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Ninja pressed the act button, finding three options; to check, plead, or challenge. He chose check, getting her stats.

*Undyne 7 ATK 0 DEF
*The heroine that NEVER gives up.

"As long as you're GREEN you CAN'T ESCAPE! Unless you learn to face danger head-on...
You won't last a SECOND against ME!"

Ninja tried moving his soul around in the box, having a thin green circle around it and some kind of blue angle in front of his now green soul.
His soul wouldn't budge, but the blue angle did, working as a shield against the arrows headed his way, that he managed to block from the top. Undyne flashed a menacing smile, while Ninja pressed the act option to plead, not doing anything.

"Not bad!"
She commented on his dodging.
"Then how about THIS?!"

More arrows appeared from the top, then the left and right.

"For years, we've dreamed of a happy ending..."

Ninja blocked the arrows from his left and right, switching between the two at a decent pace to not take damage. He pressed mercy, hoping it would do something but it didn't.

"And now, sunlight is just within our reach!"

He blocked more attacks in a clockwise rotation, with some extra arrows coming from the top.

"I won't let you snatch it away from us!"

The arrows sped up slightly, having to block them from the left, top, then right, repeating again before blocking a singular at the bottom that had some decent speed in compared to the rest.

Enough warming up!"

More arrows rushed at Ninja, starting from the left and going clockwise from there, only switching up a little bit before the last arrow sped towards him, just managing to block it before Undyne used her spear to sweep the board. It turned his soul back to normal and he tried to dodge a mini spear, just barely letting it hit him, the armour tanking the little hp it was supposed to deduct. He spared her again, which seemed to anger her a little bit.

I still can't believe YOU want to spare ME!"

Although Ninja's soul was back to its light blue colour and could move around in a much bigger box than before, that was the least of his worries as spears spawned loosely around him, pointing to face him and flying past in an almost unpredictable pattern that made it hard to dodge them. He had to carefully circle around each a bit, trying to direct them away from him yet still opted to spare her once again.

"But even if I spared YOU..."

The box got small once again, being more of a rectangle with three spears at the bottom, one by one going up then hitting the ceiling of the box before disappearing, the other following right behind it.
It was tough to dodge, and Ninja took some hp by the end of that, the spears having cornered him at one point. The armour healed him by one hp, but it wasn't enough to fully heal him. Undyne swept the box with her spear once again, turning his soul back to green.

"No human has EVER made it past ASGORE!" She said while towering over him threateningly.

He once again had to block the arrows, this time switching from blocking the top and bottom, the arrows faster than ever, and quickly switching back and forth. He spared her again, to no avail.

"Honestly, killing you now is an act of mercy...!"

An arrow appeared slowly from the left which Ninja attempted to block, only to realize it was a distraction from the other sides, being bombarded from everywhere but the left side, the slowly approaching arrow being the last on out of all of them that he had to block.

Undyne kept quiet as he spared her again, having to quickly block the arrows from the left then right, before switching rapidly from blocking the top and bottom sides in a desperate attempt to not take damage, healing one hp at the end of the turn.

"So STOP being so damn resilient!"

Her face clearly showing that she was beginning to get angry as Ninja didn't give up sparing her, trying to not end up killing her. Both Shadow and Gaster looked on in both shock and horror that Ninja was so low yet maintaining his ground, not giving up an inch or fighting back, trying to spare her until she gave up, but she appeared to be no-where near such a state.

The arrow attacks started clockwise again, switching it up randomly in an attempt to hit him, but he managed to block them quickly, only barely taking damage from when Undyne swept the board to turn his soul back to normal and the mini spear sped through the side of the box, still sparing her after recovering the one hp.

"What the hell are humans made out of!?" Undyne flipped her spear impatiently.

He dodged the three arrows from the bottom of the rectangular box, one by one at a decent pace, pressing the mercy button once again.

"Anyone else would be DEAD by now!" Undyne's eye started twitching involuntarily.

The box expanded, spears appearing at random outside of the box before locking on his location and heading in a straight line at his soul, using the same technique of half circling them to just barely move out of their path.

She flicked her spear to turn his soul back to green once again, forcing him to block more arrows and a final one that was a light-yellow pointing at the way it came from, circling around him when blocked and hitting from behind his shield, the armour reducing the damage and healing one hp. He spared her once again, blocking even more arrows and the new yellow-ish ones that indicated where they would turn to next.

Shadow kept looking away for a bit, digging his face in Gaster's shoulder for a few seconds before looking back at Ninja to see if he was winning or not, but there wasn't a clear sign of either opponent gaining or losing ground.

"But I'm determined too!"

Her next attack was mostly comprised of said arrows, which Ninja managed to quickly block all of while healing by another hp point.

"Determined to end this RIGHT NOW!"

Her arrow attack was slightly slower than last round, only for the last 2 arrows to be heading so fast that Ninja could only block one of them yet he continued to spare her.

"...RIGHT NOW!" Undyne drew her finger across her neck.

The arrows were now rushing through the box at rapid speeds, with him healing another hp point.





He blocked more arrows, these rushing faster than the other ones, taking more damage from a few that he didn't turn to block quickly enough.


He blocked more arrows, yet now reduced to almost half of his total hp of 10 even with the extra hp heal.



The arrows maintained their speed, now entirely comprised of the yellow arrows, hitting him and having briefly paralyzed him when taking damage, not being able to dodge the mini spear when his soul was returned to normal.

It was at this point that Shadow couldn't watch on anymore or bury his face into Gaster's shoulder, materializing over next to Ninja and forcing him to press flee instead of spare, forcing Ninja into the next room where he made a run for it on the bridge above the water, an ice cube floating under him.

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