pt 4

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after something of driving they get to their destination jisoo packed her car and take y/n who is fully drunk and can't even work propelyon her own.But as a girl jisoo is also facing some problems to take y/n to her apartment after  trying of all ways,

  she just make y/n stand on her own and supporting  y/n hand on her nack and take y/n to her room with a tons of problems.While y/n who is talking some randoms thing to her sister

" UnnIe yUo KnOW sOmE ThInG " y/n said

" can't you just shut up for a while y/n ' jisoo said annoying and rasing her voice tone little bit

y/n reply  " WhY dId u ShOut  me " * teary eyes*
                      "u KnoW wHom AM i the acterss MIN Y/N U KNOW ? "

" i know i know ok i'm sorry madam
   and don't be sooo dramatic "  jisoo said

and she drop y/n on her bed said


y/n is still talking nonstops and jisoo change y/n clothes and also she take showr change her clothes to more comfy one ,before she sleep she chack y/n she crease y/n hair and start to get out of the room but y/n hold jisoo wirst and said

Why Can't I Be With You  [Taehyung x reader .ft. Jimin ,Yoongi, Lisa and Jisoo ]Where stories live. Discover now