☆ 016 - ͙۪۪̥˚

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real life

jules stared in front of her, zoned out into her own thoughts. as nick talked to her, without getting any response, he noticed something was off. the boy paused gossip girl, and turned to the girl.

"jules?" he said softly, nudging her shoulder slightly. she broke out of her trance, dropping her phone to the bed, putting her face in her hands, sighing loudly, allowing nick to pick up the girl's phone and scrolling through the texts. jules glanced up to him, still leaning her face into her hands. he read it, frowning.

"wait, matt fought your boyfriend?" nick said, putting the phone down to process. "why?" he added, looking at the girl. jules shrugged, not knowing the answer. "i have no idea, matt wouldn't tell me either." she spoke, now sitting up a bit more than before to face the boy. nick decided to talk to his brother about it in the morning, since he was probably asleep by now, and she wanted to comfort his best friend.

"are you okay though? that was kind of a fight" nick said, giving her a reassuring smile. the girl nodded, giving him a quick smile back to assure him that it was all fine. he didn't want to push her anymore though, so he sat back, and started gossip girl once again. after a few minutes, he felt a weight on his shoulder, signaling that jules had fallen asleep on his shoulder.

jules woke up from the pouring rain tapping against the window. she sat up slowly, scanning around the dark room. she did see nick sleeping beside her though, so she tried to be quiet and got out of the warm bed.

when she checked the time, it was 3:08 am. jules sighed before feeling her stomach growl out of hunger, so she quietly tiptoed down the stairs, making sure not to wake anyone up. to her surprise, she could see a faint beam from the refrigerator light. the girl walked as quietly as she could to the kitchen, seeing one of the brothers being awake, standing at the counter, checking his phone. she immediately recognized the hair, and the pj's. matthew.

jules moved slightly closer to the kitchen. "you're not very slick, jules" his voice echoed through the quiet walls of the kitchen. she stopped in her tracks, keeping quiet. he turned around, facing the girl and raising his eyebrows. 

"i was hungry. why are you up anyways?" the girl spoke, breaking the ear deafening silence. matt scoffed, turning around to the refrigerator again, closing it. "couldn't sleep" he spoke, the girl humming in as a response, the silence surrounding them again. jules was about to turn around to head up again and screw the food, when he broke the silence. "how's william?" matthew suddenly spoke, making the girl turn around with raised eyebrows. the boy looked at her, not breaking eye contact.

"we doing this again?" the girl said, leaning against the counter. he scoffed, breaking eye contact to grab a cup of water. "no seriously, what is up with you?" jules spoke. he wasn't getting out of this one. he turned around slowly, raising his eyebrows with a smug on his face. "what's up with me? what's up with him?" matthew spoke, emphasizing the 'me', aiming the question towards the girl's boyfriend.

"why did the fight even break out? you still haven't told me" the girl continued, now growing frustrated. "because you don't want to know." he spoke, raising his voice a little bit. she rolled her eyes, before shushed him, not wanting to wake the others up because these two couldn't talk without starting to yell at each other.

"well i do want to know!" she spoke, raising her voice a little bit as well. matthew chuckled slightly, growing frustrated as well. she sighed frustratedly, heading towards the front door, when he grabbed her wrist. it was like an electric spark shot through her arm. jules turned her head, glancing at the touch, before she yanked her wrist out of his grip. matthew watched her walk away to the front door, throwing his head back and sighing, before he followed her out the door.

"jules, wait." 

jules had gone outside, not knowing exactly why. she just wanted to get away from the boy. she sat outside on the front yard of the triplets house, letting the raindrops hit her. it was such a calming feeling, making her problems go away. well, that was until the problem itself showed up behind her. matthew stood there in silence, watching the girl. his hair dripped from the cold rain soaking him down, but he didn't really care. after a few seconds, he walked to her side, sitting down beside her, making sure that there was plenty of space between the girl and himself.

"please don't ruin this for me matthew." jules spoke quietly, closing her eyes and tilting her head towards the sky. he was about to say something, but she stopped him. "if you're going to be out here with me, just shut up." she said. matt gave in, closing his mouth and letting the silence between the pair build a wall that separated the two, though his eyes never left her. 

abbie speaks


no comment actually

matt x jules arguments do be

hitting different !!!!

ilyyy and thank u for reading

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