☆ 018 - ͙۪۪̥˚

190 2 0

real life

she finally arrived at her destination, approaching the front door. jules knocked, waiting someone to open the door. the girl heard faint footsteps, and some rustling before the door swung open. behind the door, she saw chris. a smile appeared on her face, giving him a quick hug before entering the house fully and taking off her jacket.

nick got up from the couch, and approached the girl. they embraced each other, and started to walk towards the stairs. the two exchanged a few words, before jules told the boy about his brother's message. "he just texted me, asking if we could talk. i'm terrified?" jules said, with a light chuckle at the end of her sentence. nick smiled slightly. "maybe he'll confess his love for you" nick laughed, jules glaring at him, giving him a light hit on his arm.

"we are not in love nick, i hate him and he hates me. that's how it is, and that's how it's going to stay." she clarified, nick holding his hands up in surrender, but he still had a small smirk on his lips, giving away his skepticism for the girl's feelings. the pair were sat in his bed, scrolling mindlessly on nick's phone, laughing at the edits that popped up, when the door opened, and the one person that she did not expect, were stood there. she scanned over him carefully, his dark messy hair falling around his face.

"jules?" he spoke. one single word, and she understood what this was about. the girl sighed, getting up from nick's bed. she turned her head to face nick. he mouthed a 'good luck' before the girl exited the room, and closed the door. matt begun to walk to his room, her following behind.

she took a step into his room, glancing around. jules had never been in his room before, so it was normal for her to explore and look around. matt glanced at her, before closing the door and sitting down in his chair, spinning around to face the girl. jules sat down in his bed, which was across the room. they were quiet for a few seconds. "speak" jules said, crossing her arms and leaning back against the wall in his bed. his eyes met hers, and he opened his mouth to speak.

"i guess you already know what i wanted to talk about?" matt questioned, leaning back into his chair, that looked unusually comfy, even though it was made for gaming. she always thought those chairs were uncomfortable, but apparently not. "it wasn't too hard to guess, matthew. now talk" jules spoke coldly, still leaned against his wall. matt scoffed at her cold tone, but decided to continue to avoid making this girl even more annoyed. 

"you might think i'm a bad person for hitting him, but i had my reasons." matt said, rolling his but putting his eyes on hers again. her glance landed on the floor for a few seconds, before meeting his eyes again. "just because i hate you doesn't mean i think you're a bad person, but it was pretty god damn annoying when you wouldn't fucking tell me. that's my boyfriend, you know." she spoke, sitting up a little bit straighter, still leaned on the wall though. her eyes focused on posters on his walls, waiting for his answer.

"that was because" matt paused. jules eyes slowly found their way back to his. "i know the pain." he ended the sentence, his eyes never really leaving her. jules sat up, more focused on what he's saying now. "either way, you're tearing my relationship apart by not being honest." she said blankly. matt's eyes left her, and he focused on the floor instead. "yeah i know." he said with a knowing look. 

"well are you going to tell me?" she said impatiently. he sighed, staying quiet. she took the silence as her answer, got up from her bed and headed towards the door frustratedly. that was when he, finally, broke the silence. "he kissed another girl" matt spoke, quietly, but just enough for the girl to turn around in her tracks and stare at the boy. he didn't look at her though. she was frozen to the ground. "at the party." he continued slowly. he must be lying, right? jules had her jaw hanging slightly open, not being ready for the actual reason to why they fought.

"what?" she spoke blankly, keeping her eyes on him. he sat up, looking at her eyes, that were now glossing. he kept quiet for a bit, and then she broke the silence once again. "that's why you hit him? why?" jules spoke, still being paralyzed to move. matt sighed, not wanting to bring up the actual reasons, but since they were being honest, why not.

"because i know what it's like to be cheated on." matt spoke, no emotion showing in his face. he didn't allow himself to feel anything. that was how he made it out of the breakup, and that was what would keep him from the truth. jules face expression changed ever so slightly, but he noticed. how could he not. she didn't speak, and he was thankful for that.

after a minute with ear deafening silence, he finally spoke. "i'm sorry about that by the way." matt said. "the whole cheating thing." he added. jules eyes landed on his once again, giving him a nod and tightlipped smile as a thank you, her eyes still glossing though. she exited the room without another word, and matt was left alone with a silence ringing in his ears. he put his face in his hands, before turning around to face his desk. 

abbie speaks

cough ... 


this chap is kind off sad i'm sorry !!

next chapters will be better, though

jules will go through some shit now

after finding out

ilyyyy sm and take care

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