The beginning of it all

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||Yokano POV||

My alarm went off for me to go to school but I'm not a morning person so I had let it stay ringing for about a good ten minutes before getting annoyed and Rowling over to turn it off I climbed of my bed and went to my closet "What the actual hell do I wear to the first day of School" I say while I grabbed something random out of my closet (look in the character's chapter) and headed to the bathroom. Once I arrived in the bathroom I laid down the clothes on the bathroom lid, then I had locked the door and started the shower once the shower had warmed up I striped my clothing off and got in the shower. I got out the shower and dried my self of and put my clothing on. I grabbed my brush and brushed my crazy hair once I got it to how it usually is I then brushed my teeth. *Knock Knock* I perked my head up to the sound of knocking I unlocked my bathroom door and headed to my bedroom door and opened it "Oh hey mom what do you need?" I say, my mom begins by saying "Oh your finally done we'll be downstairs in 10 minutes please I don't need you being late on the first day" my mom said then left my room "Bruh I'm already ready" I say

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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