Will you find me...? (Minsung)

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Minho, a 25 year old man, had some problem breathing and his lung were aching, and obviously he didn't knew what was going on inside he's body. He has tried to ignore about the problem couple of times, but cause of the frustration and concern he had for he's body, he quickly made an appointment to meet a Doctor.

While waiting for the day of he's appointment, he decided to Relax and not think about it much. He called for his friend Hyunjin if he was busy, and he said no, while having the chance, he asked him if he'd wanna hang out "Sure!, where do you wanna meet at?" Hyunjin asked, "How about the Garden near the Sirevan Residence?", "I'll be right over!"

And with out a second thought, Hyunjin came to their location and searched for Minho. "Hey Hyung!", "Hey", "How have you been??, "With work and stuff?, kinda terrible..", "what's wrong?" there were the words 'concern' in his eyes, looking at Minho down, something felt wrong...

"Well, i've been told to work non stop, so i lied and called in sick today, my Boss told me to Promote our Project, but the Team hasn't done the finising touches yet...so explaining the concept might be hard to undestand..", "Aiishhh, your Boss must be a demon!", "Hahaha.. i know right?", Minho chuckled a little knowing the joke was funny for him, and it was basically kinda true.

They went to a Café and had fun, catching up with eachother, spilling some tea's, and knowing hoe their other friends were doing. "Yah, yesterday i went to see Changbinnie!" Hyunjin eyes were bright as he said that. Hyunjin have been friends with Changbin since they were kids, so them hanging out any minute was not as surprisng if they didn't. "let me guess, he did something stupid?", "No Hyung, He confessed to this boy named Felix and both started to date eachother!",  "Aaaahhh is that so?" now this really got Minho's attention. Changbin was known to be shy around his crush, and really whipped for them, so hearing he was the one to Confess was surprising.

Not long after they both had things to do and went home. Minho went home saftely and exaustedly fell, laying on he's bed. 'Oh how comfy this bed is..' was all Minho could think about, and slept like a beutiful angel.

Minho then got up to get ready for his Appointment with he's Doctor. He washed up, brushed his teeth, got ready with his clothes, and was ready to go. He soon then arrived at the Hospital, and put in his name at the medical register. He has waited around 1-2 hours on the line and still hasn't get called. He was about to go to the cafeteria to eat, till someone out of nowhere called his name. "Mr. Lee Minho?" shouted the lady, after coming up to her, she ldd him to a room, and opened the door. "Doctor Jisung?, He's here", and that's when Minho frozed.....He saw a boy, looked like the same age as him but younger, in a few years. He had soft and fluffy black hair and a big pair of doe eyes. 'How beautiful can a man be?' asking himself the question.

"Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Han Jisung, you're doctor today...i assume your Lee Minho Hyung?" asked the brunette, "Y-yes, i'm Minho....Nice meeting you" was he really stuttering?, yes. "well its nice to meet you to Minho Hyung" based on how this Han guy called him, he was of course younger than him. "Please take a seat" Han patted to an empty hair beside him. "So describe your problem the most detailed possible you can" he explained.

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