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Before leaving the house me and my girlfriend got ready to go out to the local pub as it was a party for her friend, the landlord, she put about ten grams of cocain in her bra, we took some speed, I was so rough as I hadn’t slept in days, we got to the bar we got drinks greeted her friend, the landlord, happy birthday and all the best etc. He showed me a file in which was all the mugshots of people banned from town centre pubs and proceeded to show me a picture of me, saying I was on thing called pub watch, knowing full well that I knew how corrupt he and his friends were, he laughs and says to me I’m fine don’t worry about it, so anyway I’m very tense and quiet at this time, I started taking a whole heap of drinks and began feeling more at ease and funnily enough there was 2 lads, brothers, and ironically the last and only ever time I had seen one of them he sucker punched me for absolutely no reason by the next day he found out who I was at the time, a ruthless guy when it came to certain matters, he rang me and pleaded with me, so I forgave him, when I saw him in the pub he was full of panic and apology, I reassure him again and again, he was filling me with cocain and vice versa, anyway we 3 spend the night waffling, high as everest, my girlfriend was with her friends getting on the karaoke and all sorts absolutely steaming, I noticed a kerfuffle on the dance floor and witness, drinks being slung around and arguing then I egnore it, began chatting with these 2 again and then when I noticed my girlfriend was in the thick of it I actually picked up a pint glass in panic being hyper vigilant, I had a think about it and put it down, however full of ego was how I was feeling, a guy who was asked to leave I began to follow him out, several attempts were made to prevent me, as people knew what I was intending to do, however I slipped out and as the poor guy was talking to a taxi driver I sucker punched him and left him unconscious, I even boasted, I knew he would be up and running in a minute I was back in the toilets sniffing coke and joking about, my girlfriend at the time came in to the gents, screaming about the guy who was not getting up, and I panic a bit, and then I see police entering the place via the front entrance, and one of my co defendents, (assisting an offender) swapped his shirt with mine it was on camera aswell, I slipped out of the fire exit and just as I set foot outside I see police and a large gathering, and I somehow evaded capture, I realised how obvious it would be if I walked away from the scene so I read enter the pub, I even asked the landlord for a whisky but he advised me to leave, so me and my girl friend left with my co defendent through the fire exit again and managed to slope off to his car and he dropped me and her off at a friend of ours, it was 2 o’clock in the morning and our friend had let us in to hide out, and returned to bed, I was drunk and trying to talk to my gf while she was engrossed in her phone on the social media, she locked her self in the bathroom and I didn’t even know why at the time, she knew what I didn’t, and she panicked, I thought, forget all this I’m going home so as I cut through back alleys and back roads, worried about police, but when I get home I see the door still in tact and everything seems fine, I try ringing my girl, she was blanking me, I notice a unopened bottle of vodka and I have some other bits and bobs, so I go onto Facebook and I see many notices about some bloke being killed in the town centre, I never thought it was me for a second and continued on to see who was online and up for partying etc, when a girl I don’t really know, messaged me saying some crazy rant, about what I had done, she said “he’s dead” so I say “who is dead” she responded “that lad everyone saying it was you” wow that moment was immense the fear and dread started and I was in shock, but I still hadn’t been 100% convinced of it yet so I panicked I took the unopened vodka my phone and fled I had already got changed and turned out to be arrested for that too,, anyway I dart out of the back exit of these flats and was in a gated car park just then I noticed a police presence, I hear the radios I can see the lights everywhere, so I curled into a little corner outside a basement flat or basement and I stayed there for about 30 minutes, drinking away on this vodka, I messaged my girl friend my mum and my friend, but in away it still was not real in my head there was still room for disbelief, so moving on I begin to get the feeling the police had gone and thought my best course of action would be to fob into the back door cut through the building and out of the front door across the road and back to my friends house, but nope, as soon as I enter I just see police everywhere CSI everything, and I was shocked but tried to be casual I went to drink the little bit of vodka I had left and nearly got taserd for doing so, this copper knew me, he looked so happy to tell me, the most harrowing and shocking thing I’ve ever been told, “you are under arrest for MURDER! my world just crashed my heart sank, my reality came tumbling down, no Way wow, so now it’s real it’s actually real, THIS IS A TRUE STORY AND THIS IS MY STORY OF ME BEFORE I WAS REFORMED, BEFORE I REALISED HOW WRONG MY LIFE WAS, AND THERE’S SO MUCH MORE TO TELL OF THIS STORY SO LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANT THE REST THANK YOU EVERYONE

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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