Chapter 4

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Before we split up, we decided that each of us should only rob people in an agreed upon part of the village so we won't accidentally rob to the same person twice and get caught or worse- get no money out of it.

Don't get me wrong, none of us is scared of getting caught. We can each fight and kill easily, not even giving it a second thought, but why make things harder?

My first victim was this old lady.
she must have been in her 70s, or at leadt I think she was considering her full of flowers dress. I hate floral printing on clothes, it looks old as fuck and not that good looking if we're at it.

She was pretty slow and she looked like she had a hard time seeing, so she was the perfect person to rob.

When she didn't look I came from behind and crashed into her, searched her bag carefully so she wouldn't notice in the second before moving away.

After I found the bag of money, which was about two seconds after the crash, I apologized for my clumsiness and left.

When I was far enough from her and made sure I wasn't followed, I checked the bag of coins I stole and counted it. this old lady was richer than anticipated, and thanks to her I had to rob less people.

The second person I chose to take money from was a young boy, he was going to the toy shop and he had the money in his hand.
I didn't even have to rob him, all I had to do was ask him for his help.

"Why do you need it?" he asked in a soft caring voice. Children are too pure, yet I think I will never want to have any.

"I am so sorry to ask you for something like that, it is so embarrassing. But I need the coins to feed my 4 children. They haven't eaten in days, and I am worried that soon they will die of hunger." I tried to speak and act like am tired and haven't eaten, too. My acting was a little rusty, but it did the job perfectly.

It wasn't hard and he happily gave me his money and said he wished me the best. What a nice kid.

The third person though, was different.

She wasn't old, stupid or had a disability. She was a little younger than me and probably a bit taller.
She had this breathtaking, long, black hair and this pale skin with some freckles on her face. She was gorgeous, probably the prettiest girl I have ever seen.

She looked clueless, like she doesn't even know what she is doing here. She sat alone in the tavern, eating some pieces of bread. I just now noticed how thin she looked, she must be poor.

Not a great robbery opportunity yet I couldn't take my eyes off her. She was breathtaking.

I had a lot of experience robbing people, so I already knew how to recognize good victims and troublemakers. She was a troublemaker.

She looked so sweet, like the world had never been cruel to her. Like she was always happy and never had anyone hurt her in any way.

When she noticed me, I hid. That never happened before. I never hide, I am never afraid of anything not even being caught. I just rob people and if needed, I kill them. I don't have to hide.

I guess I need to choose another victim, probably one with more money and I shouldn't waste any more time on her, even though I wanted to stare at her forever. To stare at any and every inch of her beautiful pale skin, stare at her Blue ocean eyes I wanted to stare at her forever.

But I know how to sperate mission and emotion, I always have been.

She immediately got up from her table and left the place.
I didn't know what to do, at least until I saw her outside, looking for the person who watched her.

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