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With a flutter in her heart, she looked into his eyes and saw the future, the future that she was excited for. Mimi smiled at the boy she'd loved for three years.
"I'm so glad you asked me to be your girlfriend" Mimi smiled at him clearly not being able to contain her excitement
"Mimi calm down, i only asked you a few minutes ago" Dude laughed a little to himself not knowing whether he would regret this decision or whether it would be the best decision he made
"what is she squealing about?" Misty walked into the room glaring at Mimi who was gripping into Dudes left arm
"Oh well-" Dude started talking before Mimi interrupted him
"we're dating!!!!!" Mimi shouted not being able to keep quiet. Misty's face dropped looking at Dude who looked a little uncomfortable then looking at Mimi whose smile spread from ear to ear. The rest of the gang came into the room after hearing Mimi shouting
"who are you dating mimi?" Pip walked in clearly confused
"DUDE" mimi shouted still clinging onto his left arm, no matter how many times he tried to push her off she wouldn't let go and she just tightened her grip
"you? and her?" Sprout pointed at dude and then at mimi and looked very confused. Dude sighed and then nodded his head clearly a little disappointed but he still was happy

"dude can we speak to you one moment?" Bud smiled at mimi and then at dude
"of course" Dude pushed mimi off of his arm and followed Bud and Sprout as they walked into the kitchen and left the girls in the dining room.

"i thought you didn't like her" sprout looked very confused
"i thought so too but i'm going to give her a chance, i'm just tired of being single" Dude shrugged his shoulders and bud and sprout could tell he didn't really want to date mimi but he was going to give her a chance
"we could've found you someone who wasn't you know-" Sprout started talking and tried to comfort dude
"madly in love with and scarily obsessed with him?" Bud interrupted with a smile
"i was just going to say obsessed but i guess that works too" Sprout laughed a little. Dude just looked at the ground clearly not knowing what to say
"just date her for a few weeks see how she is, you might find that you do actually like her. you never know" Bud smiled trying to comfort Dude and placed a hand on his shoulder
"thanks guys" Dude said as he hugged them both

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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