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Swimming had never been such a bad sport for Mark, yet this class made him feel far more vulnerable and awkward than was necessary. First of all, all he could think about was how Donghyuck was upstairs with the nurse, passed out. And second of all, not wearing a shirt bothered him way too much in front of this group of people.

They were lined up along the pool, the blue, chlorinated water undulating menacingly. Jaemin and Renjun stood with him while chatting, waiting for Jeno to arrive and start the lesson. Nobody seemed fussed on swimming, and during the autumn that wasn't surprising.

"How bad did he look?" Renjun was murmuring under his breath, a snide smile creeping across his cheeks.

"Adequately vile, I must say," Jaemin snickered and planted a kiss to the boy's temple. "Pity though, I could've timed my tantrum after the swim class so we could push him in. Imagine it though, an ugly little weasel like him trying to swim."

Mark pursed his lips and turned to face them, trying to downplay how much this bothered him. He and Hyuck weren't even that close, but it still felt weird. "He probably won't be in tomorrow."

"Or the rest of the year," Renjun scoffed. "Sounds like you did a number on him." His eyes, rather subtly, ran over Mark's torso and must've spotted his faint abs, because they sparkled. The teen repressed a gulp and sort of turned a little to avoid his eyes.

"Yeah, probably. Anyways, how often do we have to swim each year?" Anything but this stupid conversation.

"Sometimes never," Jaemin hummed. "The pool often needs renovations or it's used by the club and other classes. Opportunities rarely arise, thank fuck."

"Though I can't complain entirely," Renjun smirked and poked Jaemin's side, who nudged him back with a grin that was too cute to belong to such a repulsive human. Mark nearly choked and willed this day to end already.

"Alright guys, answer to your names quickly so we can get this over with fast," Jeno suddenly barked over the chatter and moved to sit on a low life-guard chair. Why it was of regalar height escaped Mark's understanding, since it quite literally defeated the point of over watching a pool. "Mark Lee," he sighed, looking up and trying to find him before settling on him. Somehow his teacher seeing him half naked didn't bother him nearly as much as Renjun. "Can you swim?"


"Amazing. Then let's start, shall we?" Everyone answered the roll call easily and started to jump into the water. Mark was forced to stick close to the worst couple known to man and chose to sit down on the edge and slide in instead of canon-balling like almost everyone else.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗹 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼𝘆𝗲𝗱; markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now