Sustainable Vanity

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● 4/22/2024

☆ Passover
☆ Jelly Bean day
☆ Girl Scout Leader's day
☆ Earth day
☆ April Showers day
☆ IT Service Provider day

Genesis: Look, dogs selling cookies. *points to two Heeler dog pups; one blue, one orange*

Holly: (loudly) Would you girls like some jelly beans?

"Yes, we would."

Belladonna: Do we have Joe Brumm's credentials for this Skit?

"Yeah. Hey, Dad."

[A bigger blue Heeler dog strides in.]

Dialogue: Ah, biscuits, it's Bandit.

"Hey, that's my line."

Dialogue: No, your line is, "It's Dad." Then, these pups must be Bluey and Bingo.

Holly: *claps, the pups follow* What? Song's catchy.


● 4/23/2024

☆ School Bus Driver Appreciation day
☆ Lost Dog Awareness day
☆ Cherry Cheesecake day
☆ Take a Chance day
☆ Picnic day
☆ Talk Like Shakespeare day
☆ Movie Theater day
☆ Email day
☆ English Muffin day

Isabelle: How did this purple mochi get in our picnic basket? *grabs a gray Heeler pup covered in purple residue* Has anyone lost a Muffin?

Melyssa: *groans* Dionysis. How could you? She's just a child, and dogs can't handle too much sweet food.


● 4/24/2024

☆ Administrative Profesionals day
☆ Bucket List day
☆ Stop Food Waste day
☆ Pigs-in-a-blanket day
☆ Pet Care for All day
☆ Skipping day
☆ Secretary day

Belladonna: *writing notes, mutters* Introduce Heeler Pack, announce Arriving Day for Aoi Asahina and Mahiru Koizumi, assign a secretary. *glances at Snakeweed scribbling on a desk filled with papers* Check.


● 4/25/2024

☆ Hug a Plumber day
☆ DNA day
☆ Teach Children to Save day
☆ Zucchini Bread day
☆ Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work day
☆ Telephone day
☆ Hairstylist Appreciation day
☆ Girls in ICT day
☆ License Plate day

"Oi, I'm not a plumber."

Plot: *moves their arms away from Bandit* Sorry.

"Just a misunderstanding. Maybe we could have Chilli-"

Snapdragon: *shouts* NO CHILLI!!!

"Why not?"

Belladonna: Cause Ms. Glinda loathes mums. You, Bandit, are on thin ice. The girls can stay.



● 4/26/2024

☆ Historic Marker day
☆ South Dakota day
☆ Dissertation day
☆ Help a Horse day
☆ Hairball Awareness day
☆ Pretzel day
☆ Kids and Pets day
☆ Richter Scale day
☆ Audubon day
☆ Arbor day
☆ Get Organized day
☆ Garage day

Isabelle: Have you heard of Cloud Jr.? Turns out to be a budgie bird with crazy hair.

Melyssa: Are we inviting all the Smash characters for pretzels? Aunt Platinum already gave Kazuya his Shiny Treatment. She might label the original Cloud as a Galarian Farfetch'd, because he got a big sword to match their big leek.

Snapdragon: *peeks in* Bandit gonna smash?

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