17 - Snagging

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I was resting on my bed, and I suddenly heard deafening screams coming from outside.

What the fuck is that?!

I rushed downstairs, and as I got to the living room, Hoseok was stood with a similar expression as me, watching the door.

Yoongi then bursts into the house, holding a creature up by its white hair.

They are both dripping wet, and I watch the dark features of Yoongi as he casts a chain bag around the creature, and the metal of the chain burned into its skin, making it squirm.

It aggressively hisses and keeps trying to attack Yoongi, but for some reason, I couldn't help but want to defend it, without knowing what it was. All that mattered was that Yoongi was seemingly hurting it for no reason.

I rushed over to Yoongi and got in between him and the creature, trying to stop him, but he just shoved me out of the way like I was a feather in the wind.

"Wait! What are you doing?" I argued, hoping he'd shed some light on the situation.

"Teaching this fucker a lesson." He growled, and I looked back at it while it still fought to free itself from its chains.

Hold on..

Is that the water demon?

I watched Hoseok place his hand on the creature, and he instantly calms it down. It then curls up into a ball, shivering from the cold.

I looked back at Yoongi and he looked pissed.

"What happened?" I asked quietly, and he avoided eye contact, moving to grab the chain bag in his hand.

It looked so weak suddenly.

"What did you do to it?" I asked Hoseok, and he let out a long sigh.

"I've weakened it enough so it can't fight back.

I have no idea what happened, but with Yoongi looking soaking wet, I can only imagine he had been caught up in a fight. Then my thoughts drifted to how much that lake water hurts him. I hope he was okay.

Yoongi then walked off to the cellar, no doubt to put the water spirit behind bars.

Hoseok grabs my hand and leads me down to the cellar as well. Maybe he wants me to see what they do with them in their company, instead of going on my own. They clearly know what I'm like already.

As I got down to the cellar, I noticed Jin in the neighbouring cell, staring back at me with a smile.

"Nice to see you again, Y/N." He uttered, and I returned a pleasant look. I can't hold his evil tendencies against him. He really does seem sweet.

The water spirit looked drastically different all of a sudden as well.. 

He looked normal.

He looked normal

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