Chapter 19

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 YOUR SICKNESS STARTED to get worse, you would have nausea a lot, and your feet were sore, so you decided to visit your mother to get a check up

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YOUR SICKNESS STARTED to get worse, you would have nausea a lot, and your feet were sore, so you decided to visit your mother to get a check up. You told Jake and the kids that you'll be leaving to visit your mother. Lei'wa walked out of the mauri with so many questions running through her mind.

You wouldn't have a problem with being pregnant again, it was just so overwhelming, it felt like everything was happening all at once. Once you got there Ronal laid you down on the mattress.

"What is wrong Ma'Ite? You seem troubled. What is bothering you?" Ronal asked as she made a healthy tea of herbs for you. "Lately I've been feeling a lot of nausea and my feet are sore. I've been having pregnancy symptoms mother." You replied back looking around the mauri.

Ronal's eyes widened as she hummed in response. "Have you and Jake been..."busy" these days?" She asked in a teasing tone. You chucked, "Yes mother we have." You replied not being able to hold in your laugh. Ronal only nodded with a small smirk in response.

"Alright well, here's a tea made out of herbs, it'll help you calm down your nerves." Ronal said handing you the small mug of tea. You nodded and began to drink it slowly.

Ronal pressed her ear against your belly, after a few minutes she gasped and sprinted her head up. "What is it mama? What's wrong?" You asked placing the mug next to you. "Ma'Ite! You're pregnant again! Oh my Eywa! I can't believe it!" Ronal replied back excitedly.

You gasped in shock, your eyes brimmed with happy tears. You covered your mouth with your hands, not believing what your mother just said. "Quickly go tell Jake and your kids!" Ronal spoke up eagerly. Lei'wa nodded running off to her mauri.


You immediately told Jake and the kids the news. Everyone cheered in happiness, the kids along with Jake embraced you in a loving hug. "I can't wait to have another sibling!" Loak exclaimed. "Me too bro I'm so happy!" Neteyam added with a huge smile.

Kiri and Tuk squealed as they jumped up and down excitedly. Jake pulled you in for a loving kiss: "I'm so happy for us love, our family is growing." Jake spoke up caressing your tiny baby bump. " I know! I'm so happy!" You replied back hugging him tightly.

For the rest of the evening you spent it with Jake and the kids, and your parents and siblings. Once you told Tonowari, Aonung and Tsireya they were so thrilled, your family was growing and you couldn't believe it, this is all you've ever wanted, to be a mother and look where you are now. Eywa truly has blessed you.


The next morning you woke up with energy, Niraya had already woke up before you, she wiggled in her crib wanting to get out. You giggled at your daughter, as you picked her up, holding her in your arms. Her curls started to form more, she was 5 months old already, you kissed her chubby cheeks cooing at her. Niraya gurgled and squealed at her mother, grabbing your face with her tiny hands.

You held your baby in your arms, beginning to make breakfast for everyone, Niraya looked at the food you were preparing with curiosity. You smiled at her innocence. Jake along with the kids eventually woke up and sat down for breakfast.


After breakfast you and the kids along with Jake were finishing up some chores in the mauri. Suddenly the clan horn blew, the Tulkun have come home again! The villagers quickly jumped out of their mauri's and into the ocean to greet their spirit siblings. The kids ran out excitedly, ready to greet the Tulkun again.

You and Jake smiled at each other happily as you began to walk out. Jake held Niraya in the baby carrier as you called for your tsurak Tilí. Jake was on his tsurak swimming beside you. Ni'alu wailed happily upon seeing you flapping her fins excitedly, with her baby Tulkun Zanya by her side.

"Sister I see you." You signed to Ni'alu, as you mounted off of Tilí. "I see you sister, how have you been these past few months." Ni'alu replied back with a sweet wail. Jake was near you with Niraya as she swam with her spirit sister Zanya. Zanya howled joyfully at Niraya.

"I have been well sister, I am pregnant again. How have you and Zanya been?" You replied back to a Ni'alu. "That's incredible sister! I'm so happy for you, your family is growing. Me and Zanya are doing great." Ni'alu replied back flapping her fins in exclamation. "I'm glad to hear that, and thank you sister it means so much to me." You signed back with a huge smile plastered on your face.

Ni'alu howled happily, you swam towards her hugging her close. Ni'alu closed her eyes wailing, reciprocating the affection. Jake greeted Ni'alu and they had a wonderful conversation.

Loak was able to see Payakan again. Tsireya taught Loak a lot of sign language so now he can communicate with Payakan. "Brother, it's been a while. How have you been." Loak signed to Payakan happily. "I've been doing great brother, how are you?". Payakan replied back wailing softly.

"I've been good brother, I have a beautiful and kind girlfriend, her name is Tsireya. I have a baby sister Niraya, and my mom is pregnant again." Loak signed back eagerly. "That's great news brother! Oh yes Tsireya, she's the daughter of the Olo'eyktan and Tsahik, Tonowari and Ronal. She's very very kind." Payakan replied letting out a high-pitched wail. Loak smiled as he hug Payakan close.

Payakan wailed happily closing his eyes.


After the Tulkun's visit you and your family went back home and had dinner with your parents and your siblings. Neteyam met a Tulkun and bonded with him he now has a spirit brother, Oxano. Neteyam also met a beautiful Metkayina girl named Satari, on his walk home. They bumped into each other and began a conversation.

"I can't believe that the Tulkun are back again, I'm so happy." Tsireya spoke as he fed Atan a small piece of meat. "Me too Ma'Ite it was absolutely beautiful." Tonowari replied to Tsireya smiling.

"I told Priya that I gave birth already she was so thrilled, she's expecting a calf soon!" Ronal spoke up squealing excitedly. "That's great Ronal, is she pregnant with a boy or a girl?" Jake asked curiously .

"She's pregnant with a boy! I'm so excited, after her calf is born Atan can have a spirit brother." Ronal replied back starting to weave a top. Jake smiled humming in response, pulling you closer by the waist. Niraya wiggled in your arms nuzzling into you. Loak then talked about seeing Payakan again, he felt comfortable talking about the Tulkun infront of Tonowari and Ronal now that they accepted Payakan. Neteyam also mentioned about his new spirit brother and the girl that he met. Kiri and Tuk mentioned about them riding on a Tulkun's fin and swimming with the Ilu's

You went back home after dinner and put the kids to sleep, "Goodnight mommy, goodnight daddy." Tuk whispered as you gave her a loving kiss on the forehead as well as Jake. "Goodnight Ma'Ite." You whispered back. "Goodnight baby." Jake whispered back to Tuk. You and Jake fell asleep in your shared hammock cuddled up together.

A/N: Chapter 19 is officially completed!!! Lei'wa is pregnant again!!! Yayyy!!!! :))) 🩷🩷

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