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(i dont know if this is a tw or not, but i'll put it just in case!!)

TW ; loss of loved ones

real life + messages

the silence that had formed while waiting for the man at the front to begin the ceremony was loud. it was a cloudy saturday in los angeles, almost like the sky read the room. at the front, there was two coffins, one for her mother, and one for her father. it was like a stab into her chest, just looking at them. she held the note in her hand tight with words written down that she would share with the other people sitting here who also mourns her parents death.

the man at the front cleared his throat before looking down into his notes. "we've gathered here today to mourn and honor the memory of sophie and fred field.", he spoke. jules almost flinched at his voice, staring ahead of her, refusing to believe it. her two brothers were sat beside her, trying to keep it together. the man continued speaking and reading, but the girl couldn't focus. she tried to not listen, because she thought that if she didn't, it wouldn't be real. unfortunately, it was real.

after fifteen minutes of the man in the front reading and talking about her parents, it was her time to read what she had written down for them. "sophie and fred's daughter, jules, would like to say a few words.", he said, looking at her. she got up slowly, walking to the front. she grabbed her note and unfolded it before clearing her throat.

"i never thought that i would lose my parents this early. i hoped that they would live to see me make mistakes and achieve what i always wanted. the thought of them leaving never consumed my brain, you know?", she paused. she watched the crowd carefully dry their tears from their cheeks. she glanced at her two brothers, who smiled sadly at her.

"sophie and fred were the best parents i could ever wish for, and i'm so grateful that i got to grow up in such a loving home with my two brothers. i remember how they would buy us new toys and watch us play with them for hours, laughing with us, like they had all the time in the entire world. like nothing mattered except us.", she continued, sobbing quietly. a silent tear ran down her right cheek.

"i can stand here and tell you how i'm fine, but i'm really not. but i think, maybe, there is some validity in accepting that a part of you went with the person that died, and a part of them stayed with you. thank you mom and dad for letting us be children, and loving us with every piece of your soul. i will forever search for you in every sunrise. thank you.", she finished her speech, tears running down her swollen cheek. she glanced over at her families friends and parents, who gave her a sweet smile, drying their tears carefully with the back of their hand. she headed down to her seat again, and jacob put a hand on her shoulder and smiled at her, with tears in his eyes.

jules leaned her head onto his shoulder. the man in the front cleared his throat once again and finished off. "thank you jules for that lovely speech, and thank you everyone for honoring the memory of sophie and fred.", he finished with a small nod, and everyone silently got up and put a rose on the two coffins. jules walked up to the baskets with her brothers beside her. she crouched down, and laid her hand on each coffin, realizing how real it was. she put a white rose down, since it was her mother's favorite. then she put a red one, since it was her father's favorite. tears rolled down her cheeks when she got up and walked out, leaving her past and loved ones behind.

˗ˏˋ WAR OF HEARTS ; m. sturniolo 'ˎ˗Where stories live. Discover now