☆ 029 - ͙۪۪̥˚

193 2 0

real life 

nick and chris got picked up by matt. when they walked through the door, matt tried to be as quiet as possible, even if the girl was asleep upstairs. nick had been giving matt looks the entire car ride, and chris sensed the tension and knew that something was up. he had no energy to interfere in matt's and nick's argument now though, so he just went upstairs straight to bed.

"seriously matt?" nick started, which caused matt to turn around. they stared into each other's eyes. matt knew what he meant immediately, it wasn't hard to figure out exactly, and there was no point in ignoring it either.

"i know i screwed up bad nick, please don't remind me." matt spoke, raising his hand to his head and thinking through tonight. nick sighed, but kept looking at his brother. "why? if you finally kissed jules, why would you go kiss a cheap version of her at a random party?" nick said, walking into the kitchen to pour a glass of water to himself.

"i don't know okay! i was scared of what was going to happen with me and jules so i just went to screw it up. it felt like the easiest way out, and maybe if i got lucky, it would make me forget about her." matt started, shouting in whispers. nick was about to answer, but matt continued before he had the chance to speak up. "because i need to forget about her, nick! she's quite literally all i think about. all. the. time. and i can't!" he said, turning around and walking back and fourth. nick tilted his head.

"you do not need to forget about her, you need to talk to her. like for real talk, not saying a few words to her drunken state." he said, walking past the boy and hitting him lightly in the shoulder before opening the refrigerator. matt groaned at his comment and turned around towards nick. "nick, she literally said she hates me." matt spoke up, pouring himself a glass of water as well. not that he had had that much to drink, but he needed to get rid of his headache.

"matthew. one thing is certain. she does not hate you." nick started, closing the refrigerator and placing the now empty glass into the dishwasher. "a girl that hates you wouldn't willingly make out with you, or call you to pick her up from her abusive ex, or help you clean your wounds after fighting her boyfriend." nick continued with a serious look. "come on matt, we both know what's happening here, and i know you're feeling it too." he finished, giving him a final look before exiting the room. matt lowered his head into his hands and leaned onto the counter. "fuck."

jules woke up the next morning with a severe headache and feeling the urge to just sink through the covers and stay in bed all day. she didn't though, instead she got up and went to the bathroom before washing her face with ice cold water. her mascara was smearing underneath her eyes, so she washed off the makeup from the night yesterday.

oh, right. yesterday night. she could barely remember anything from yesterday since she was so wasted. everyone seemed to be asleep, but she went downstairs to make some breakfast either way. she entered the kitchen, only to be met by a boy standing in pajama pants and a black t-shirt. he turned around of the sound of someone entering the room, and of course it was matthew who stood there.

"oh." jules first word. she didn't mean for it to slip out, but it just happened. matthew frowned slightly. "morning to you too. want some eggs?" he offered. he was acting sweet, since this was matthew we spoke about, it was pretty unusual. the girl hesitated before nodding slightly and rubbing her eyes. "want something for the hungover?" he turned around and looked at the girl. she narrowed her eyes from the counter up to his eyes.

"uhh, no. i'm good." she answered, looking back down onto the counter. matthew turned around without a word, and the silence was bleeding in her ears. what happened? two days ago they were right here, kissing, like they never ever hated each other. now they are back to square one again. matthew sighed before turning around again and leaning forward onto the counter.

"look, jules. about that thing two days ago." he started, but jules didn't let him finish. she scoffed. "so we're actually acknowledging that happening now? that's new." she raised her eyebrows and kept her eyes on the counter. matthew clenched his jaw slightly before standing up straight again. "yeah, we are. can we at least talk about it without you acting like a child?" matt said, turning back around to flip over the eggs. jules scoffed once more.

"what's there to talk about? yeah we kissed. so what? it's not like it meant anything to you?" jules said coldly and met his eyes, referring to yesterday. he bit his bottom lip and turned away. "did it mean anything to you?" he said easily, emphasizing the 'you'. wow, they were really having this conversation here.

she hesitated. "no." she said coldly. it was a lie, obviously. it definitely meant something to her. "forget about it." jules said, making matt frown slightly. he stayed quiet for a while, and was about to explain himself, when she cut him off.

"save it matt, really. i don't want to hear it." she said getting up and walking back upstairs. instead of heading into matt's room as she should be, she knocked softly on nick's door and he opened it carefully, letting the girl in. she jumped onto the bed face down and groaned into the pillow. nick laughed and sat down beside her. "what's going on?" he said nudging her leg, making her turn around to face him.

"i just told matt that our kiss meant nothing. for fucks sake, am i stupid?" jules said before falling face-first down into the covers again. "it did mean something nick!" she mumbled into the covers. nick sat down beside the girl and laid a hand on her back. "it's okay jules."

abbie speaks

i COULD tell you that this is them starting to get happy,

but that would be a total lie !!!

i love angst sorry

ilysm and take care

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