chapter 1 (crush)

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It was a normal day in boynextdoors dorm and jaehyun was talking to Sungho about riwoo

Sungho's pov:

'Sungho do you think riwoo will say yes to my confession'

'I guess he would...Anyway get going and tell me how it went and I want it in detail okay'

'Okay I'm going now ,wish me luck and byee....'

*after jaehyun left the room*

'In my next life I wish I could be riwoo and make jaehyun fall for me instead..'

Yes.....its true that I like this dumb boy named myung jaehyun but it's completely his fault for making me fall for him the way he calls me pretty and flirts with me but it was heartbreaking to hear that he likes another boy from my band named riwoo and he trusted me and told me so and i would not make him lose his trust on me even though i know that they would be the perfect match because riwoo is a very sweet boy and they get along with each other and I know I should be happy for them but I kinda wish that jaehyun liked me instead but the time has come where I should give up on jaehyun and let them live a happy relationship and I know that onedoors and the members will support them as well.

'Hmm I better go see what taesan is doing he did say he needs help with something'

*Sungho enters taesan's dorm*

'Hyung I need your help' said taesan with pleading eyes

'What happened?' Asked Sungho with a confused face

'Soo here is the thing I kinda like woonhak and yesterday I flirted with him as a joke and when he started flirting i cant stop thinking about him because he called me cute'

'Soo you like woonhak and he called you cute....OMG wait are you and woonhak together already' asked Sungho excited for them

'Well not yet..but I don't know what to do anymore he makes my heart flutter'

'But forget that why did you look upset when you came in?'

'Ohhh that's nothing just some issues'

'Okay let me guess it's jaehyun and you like him'

' did you get to know I've not told anyone about it?..'

'It's very obvious hyung everyone can see it except that blind jaehyun'

'Does that mean everyone knows..?'

'Okay....hyung don't freak out some of the staff found out and i guess they support it'

'That's soo embarrassing' said sungho flustered

'Well if there is something you can tell me okay I will be right here to listen to it'

'Thank you so much Taesan'

'Okay then I will get going cuz I have some shopping to do okayy and good luck in making woonhak your boyfriend' Sungho chuckled

'Hyunggg shhhh not Soo loud'

*after a while *

(Didn't think Taesan will have a soft side on someone he is always so chill and carefree)

'Hmm I wonder how it is going with jaehyun...'

Jaehyun's pov:

(I feel like my heart might jump out of my chest,I'm soo scared about what riwoo might say...)

*Riwoo comes out of his room*

'Hey jaehyun whatsup' asked riwoo

"Well wanna hang out"

'Okayy then let's go '


I know it's short but I will make sure to update it every Wednesday and yall can guess what will happen in the comments and if there is smtg I should change tell me please :D

just say that you love me....(sungho x jaehyun)Where stories live. Discover now