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"This night is sparkling, don't you let it go. I'm wonder-struck, blushing all the way home. I'll spend forever, wondering if you knew.."


"It was not so long since the day he left." I whispered to myself as I watched the sun go down.

I used to watch this before with my best best friend, Rob. But now I am all alone. No best friend, no Rob. He and his family had to leave because they will be now living at the new city. Which means  _ 


_ I'm left with this girl who had just shouted my name as if we're miles apart. I bet Rob would hear that too.

She's not as best as Rob to be my friend, I don't know.. Maybe being friends with girl really isn't my thing. Ever.

"Alice!" Seth repeated as she gets inside my room. "Alice, you'd better hurry up. We're going to be _ "

"Yep, I think I'm ready to go." I cut her sentence with a smile on my face to pretend I wasn't completely irritated.

"No, you're not." she insisted, her purple eyes widely open staring at me. She has a dark brown long straight hair with a little curve in the ends, having a small pale face with dark red lips. She's not that tall which is good thing for me, because I don't wanna be stuck with a girl taller than me.

"No, you're not." she repeated as she opened her bag.

"Oh, no.. Seth, no make-over, please." I objected. Too late. She just begun to brush my dark nearly red curly hair. This is why I hate Seth. Err.


After five minutes, she handed me a mirror, as I faced it I saw my icy blue eyes with an eyeliner now, my cheeks pinker than it was already and my lips redder than ever. 

Pretty, I am. I can't deny, really so I have to say "Thanks,"

"You're always welcome, dear, oh if Rob would have a glance at you now, he'll fall inlove again." She used to suspect between me and Rob. She's saying we're just pretending to be best friends, but honestly I love Rob, as my best friend. End of story. That's all, and I think that's the way he's loving me too. I guess, if I'm right.

"Seth," "I got it, but we better go." She grinned. "Okay." I replied.

5:25 on the clock. Great. Our practice starts at exactly 5:30.

I am officially a glee member and at the same time, the pianist. But tonight, I won't be playing, 'cause someone will be doing my job. We'll be practicing a new song, and it was hard for me to play 'cause, I'm just a beginner, though everybody says I can.

We arrived at exactly 5:30, thank God they aren't starting yet. I wonder why. 

"Good thing Ms. Alison Hawthorne had arrived." I heard Julie's voice as I entered the room. All eyes on me. Wow. Thanks for the attention, Julie. 

Julie and I aren't friends, not because being friends with girl isn't my thing but because she doesn't like me. I know this because she also thinks that I am Rob's girlfriend, and the reason why Rob won't date her. Whatever, I don't care. As I have stated, Rob was just my best friend. Was.

"Is she the pianist?" a large tenor voice asked and I began to search for the owner. Suddenly, I was staring to a tall handsome guy, green eyes staring back to me. His face was, am I allowed to comment?


It's really perfectly shaped. Perfectly beautiful. He smiled and opened his mouth, I can't even hear what's he saying. It was like slow motion, with lots of spark around us. 

Oh, come on, Alison.. don't lose yourself now. Not now. He's talking to you.

 Me? I replied to the voice I had heard in my mind and, Yes, you. it replied.

"Alice, I think he's talking to you, do you mind replying and stop muttering?" Seth whispered right through my ears. Not enough to be heard by anyone else, just me. I think. And should be.

Now, I'm back to reality. "Oh, sorry, I'm.. where are we?" I felt like an innocent asking this question to this person.

"Oh, I was just wondering if, maybe you could teach me setting up the piano?" he smiled as he pronounced every word, isn't it a bit of weird? He manages to smile while speaking? To girls? Wait, I forgot, I had to reply. "Sure," was all I managed to mutter.

And there we stood, in silence, at the front of the piano, I was actually setting it up and at the same time peeking furtively at the perfection of this guy standing next to me. Breathe, I reminded myself. Accidentally, I saw Seth who's grinning at me, now with a 'YOU-LIKE-HIM-DON'T-YOU?' look. I hate the fact that I smiled back at her. I had to stop remembering, someone perfect is staring at me.

Thank you Seth, now, I'm completely losing my mind. Again. All I am was conscious, how do I look? Are my curly hair fixed? I can't help worrying, 'cause right now, the most perfect person I ever met, having a pair of green eyes staring at me.

"Well done." I finally voiced, avoiding his stare. He moved closer to me, and sat down the chair in front of the instrument. He looks at me again, this time I held his glance.

"Which one are you using here?"

"Uhm.. the lower one, that's what I am using." clang, my voice broke at the end, I hope he wouldn't mind.

"But I prefer to use this one, you think it's fine?" He pointed to the higher one, and yes, he's still smiling. Isn't his face getting tired of it?

"Well, I guess so.. If that's what you want."

"Thanks," he smiled. How I wish to be frozen here forever. But I have to say, "Sure." and he faced the piano. So I sat down near him in case he'll need my assistance. Really?

He started playing. Wow. It was a marvelous tune. It's amazing to wonder how he just brought life to our nearly dead piano. He do sound like a real musician. I bet his girlfriend's too lucky, but no.. please, you can't have a girlfriend. It'll absolutely break my heart. I thought as I was staring at him.

The practice finished just within half an hour of me having a lot of glance at his perfection. This is my most unwanted part. He would have to leave.

But he's still smiling and I know, I'm blushing.

So now, the room's cleared, as a pianist, I am in-charge of everything inside this room. I had to turn off the things needed to be turned off. I was just covering the instrument with a piece of cloth when I noticed the red handkerchief lying over the chair in front of the piano. It belongs to.. Wait a minute, what's his name? I don't even know? Grr.

I walked swiftly out of the door to run for him. Too late. He's gone. But it was good at the same time. "Fine, I'll just keep it." I gave a smile to the handkerchief I was holding and for the first time noticed the letters stitched with color white. CEDRiC.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2013 ⏰

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