It was the day when I shifted my house to L.A. to live my own. The air was so refreshing as compared to Paris. Once I got there I directly went to visa application office as my visa will expire within a week. After that I left in the direction of my house that my parents bought for me. I didn't see my house yet. I am too excited to see it! Finally I reached my home sweet home. It was so welcoming, more than I expected. I settled my things in the living room. I went for a round outside and then in my home. There are two bedrooms down and upstairs each with an attached bathroom. First I thought it was only me living in there. Then realised that my aunt and her family will coming to live here. And that only one room owned to me. He gave me a choice to choose which one I liked. Well, I chose the one upstairs having a large balcony with a wooden swing and a chair for two. It was the best one in the house. I arranged every stuff of mine in place. After that I went to the balcony taking a deep breath enjoying the picturesque view. I saw a guy with long curly hair and bright green eyes standing in his balcony opposite of mine staring at me. When he saw me looking at him he turned his head sidewards. After that I heard a car towards my driveway. I went down to look and saw its my aunt and family. My aunt, Lousifer is a widow with long grey hair. She has two kids, one boy named Louis and a girl named Lousiana.Louis and Lousi (Lousiana) is my best cousins and my only relief. Louis is having a dark brown coloured hair and Lousi is having the same hair as mine, long and starts from dark brown ending up with creamy colour. We greet each other and I helped them in setting their rooms. Aunt and Lousi occupied the rooms downstairs while Louis and I occupied the ones in upstairs. Its 7:45 P.M. , the time for the dinner. After the dinner, Lousi and I helped Aunt in doing dishes. The day has come to and end and finally its time for bed. I went to my room aiming for bed. When I lie on the bed under my comforter, my thoughts went to the guy who was staring and made a lot of unwanted questions.
Why would he stare at me?why did he turn his head when looked at him?
Finally, I let go off of my brain falling asleep.