30. 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝑴𝒂𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 (02) (16+)

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Y/n's Perspective —

Without any warning he thrust his finger in me, my walls stretched to adjust and I moan out of pleasure. His soft warm lips attached to mine giving me shivers down my spine.

His other arm is around my waist pulling me closer as after i adjust, he thrust in grabing my waist to hit my G-spot with his finger, "Moan daddy's name my babygirl."

"J..", I was not able to speak his name, he inserted his two more long slender fingers inside my wet core, he moved more deep and faster in me while his lips moved on mine sucking my lower lips with a fast pace.

He thrust his finger more and I moan out in the middle of the kiss, his sexy lips and sexy long slender fingers really pleasuring me, my body covered with sweat and I open my eyes to take a view of his face.

It was all sweaty, his messy hairs covering his forehead making him look the most sexiest man i have ever seen. I want to hold his hands so fucking badly but he have tied my hands up.

"You want to hold me?", he whispered inhaling my sweaty scent and rubbing his nose in my bare neck. He sucks over my neck and I nodded in reply trying to free my hands.

I am reaching to my climax, I am feeling knots building up in my stomach and I really don't want him to stop, I whispered in my moaning tone, "i am near."

He stopped pounding in me and flash me and smrik, it reallys hurts down there. He started to slide out his fingers from my wet core, I am feeling so much burning sensation in my core down there.

"Wh..why you stopped?", I asked shyily looking at his face, he moved closer to my face licking his lond slender fingers clean which made my cheeks heat up, he then hold my chin with his hand and said, "Beg me to do that."

"Beg?", I asked confusedly, he raise his brow and squeezed my blossms with his hand causing me to moan out louder, "Or else I am leaving."

"N..No.", I whispered, I can't just hold like this. It hurts so much and I can't bear it, "Pl..ease, do that again."

"What?", he asked with a smrik on his lips squeezing my blossms with his hand making me moan out louder. I bit my lower lips to suppress it, "Pl..Please fuck me with your long slender fingers."

"Sure, babygirl.", he whispered huskily and seductively in my ear, he slide his fingers in me again, fingering me with all his face while he sucks my right shoulder with full roughness.

His fingers moved inside me granting me so much pleasure which I can't bear. I wonder if he is this good in fingering, that how good he would be with his dick? I really amazed about his length, how long it would be? Would it fit me?

My walls clenched around his fingers releasing my juice all over his fingers, he slide his fingers off from me unbulking his pants, "Want your hands to be released?"

I nodded in my all messy state which is already making me look so sexier, he chuckled and untie my hands throwing his tie somewhere in the room, he pulled my things making me lay under him.

"Babygirl, are you ready to take the hardness of your daddy?", he whispered seductively. His face is really like more then a Greek god. Why he is this handsome? I wonder why I fall for his brother not for him?

"Yes.", i hummed, he removed his Calvin Klein black boxers and it was now somewhere on the floor in the room, his big and long hard dick rubbed against my verticle lips making me moan out louder due to pleasure.

His lips touched mine and he softly caressed my cheeks with affection, and he thrust in which made me scream out louder in pain but the scream get muffled because of the kiss.

His face expression turned into worried one and he stopped himself in the middle asking, "Do you want to stop?"

I shook my head and murmurs, "Ju..Just slow."

He nodded kissing my forehead, all of sudden his all dirtyness is gone. He attached his lips with mine, my arms rested on his muscular shoulders and my small nails scratch on his shoulders while he slowly slide himself fully inside me.

I blinked in response and slowly lossen my grips on his shoulders, my tears rolled down from the corner of my eyes due to this extreme pain, he thrust again this time a little faster with his strength and I again clenched on his shoulders due to mix of pain and pleasure.

Soon, the all pain turned into pleasure and he was pounding in me harder, the sound of skin slapping and moaning filled the room and the smell of our mixed cum filled the room.

It was my first time and it was incredible, it is already 3rd to 4th round and I reached my climax again and he is banging me harder at my G-spot making me moan, my legs is trembling and I am feeling so exhausted.

He cum and slide out from me, his cum dripping down from my core, my eyes is closed and he softly caressed my cheeks with affection and love.

"Baby, let me clean you up.", he stand up, i can't believe how can he walk? My legs can't even move because of this. I can't even feel my legs right now.

He collected me in his arms taking me towards the bathroom, after cleaning me and himself up he lay me down on the bed tugging me in the warm blanket. He lay himself down beside me, yanking me closer to him by his stronge arm.

"Did you liked it?", he asked in a soft tone with a warm affective smile, i nodded with a smile and bury my face in his chest.

His index finger softly draw small circle and different pattern on my skin making my body feel relax, he really know how to cool down? He softly peck my cheeks and whispered with sweet voice, "Good night, sleep tight."

"Good night.", I replied closing my eyes in the warmth of his warm chest, the coldness of outside didn't to worked against his hard rocky chest.

I slowly draft of my dream land while he is busy in drawing soft and small patterns on my skin and full of love, care and affection. I wish to have sweet dreams of him.

Author's Note:

Oye hoye! You all are not supporting me

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Oye hoye! You all are not supporting me. It means you guys don't love me and my this story.

Well, this part is out. Tell me your suggestion about this chapter.

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