Chapter One

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"Of course my day has started with a splitting headache"
Will murmured out loud entirely to himself as no one else was to be seen in his house he chuckled
"Maybe I'm going crazy too"
He got dressed in the entirety of  10 odd minutes or so and rushed out the door to his job. Which just so happened to be teaching at the FBI academy. He arrived decently late per usual, not that his students minded they were incredibly used to their odd teacher. Once he got to the front of the room with the projector on, he started speaking about the particular case that was on the screen. Avoiding eye contact with any student of course, he finished pretty quickly.
"Short lesson today, you're all dismissed"
he said simply and started to pack up his own things. Once the last few stragglers went up and started for the door he got up to leave.
Of course he was stopped before he could even get halfway to the door by no other than the one Jack Crawford. Will rolled his eyes, frankly he was much too tired for his shit right now but he stood there waiting for him to say something.
"Hello Will" Jack said quite simply. Will stared at him rather blankly.
"That's it? Just a hi, great I'll take my leave now" he said with a tone of sass.
"Not so fast there" Replies Jack "I need your help, it's with a case"
Will stares at the wall behind Jack with a dumbfounded gaze
"No, absolutely not, I quite like my current job thanks"
Jack makes eye contact much to Will's dismay "We need you, if not he's just gonna keep on killing, you wanna save people don't you?" Jack says sternly.
Will thinks *is he stupid? Of course I wanna save people, I had done that before and it got be in a right shitty place.*
Instead he speaks to Jack and says "Just this one, not gonna help you after this one" Jack looks about as thrilled as he can be hearing this news.
"I'll see you in my office tomorrow"
He claps Will on the shoulder as he speaks "Thank you, I can tell you're going to be a huge help"
Will sighs and mutters
"yeah sure, I gotta go" and moves past Jack to the exit of the classroom. Once outside of the building he kicks the wall out of frustration,
"God damnit why did I say yes" he mutters to himself just as someone walks by, she stops and looks at him concerned.
"Are you alright Will?" She askes gently. He swerves around and with his mouth slightly open says
"Oh sorry Alana, I'm fine. Hard day is all" Alana doesn't look convinced but moves on anyways.
"Well alright then, I'll see you later. Take care Will" she says in the same tone as before. Will simply nods and walks to his car sighing once again as he opens the door and steps inside. Resting his head against the steering wheel only for a moment before he starts in up and heads home. Back at his house he takes two aspirin with a shot of whiskey,
"Probably not advisable" he mutters to no one once again. He spends roughly the whole evening with his dogs, before he gets into bed and sighs. "Let the nightmares begin" he says sarcastically before turning off the lamp and setting his alarm he knows that he will ignore.

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