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"Soon after they attacked Geonosis, the Republic realized that they'd bitten off more than they could chew." - Anonymous Historian, 50 Years After The War Of Republic Aggression.

Orbital Shipyards, Ringo Vinda Orbit, Ringo Vinda System, Eucer Sector

Sometimes I still wonder how I ended up here. I was just putting some gas in my car when the place exploded around me and I found myself jolting to consciousness in the Star Wars Galaxy of all places. Though over the past 26 years, it's been a mixed bag of a blessing and a curse. Most of my family got killed off 12 years ago by marauders and my younger brother vanished into thin air, though my Grandfathers brother made himself available by leaving the Jedi Order to help me. Things were pretty good until seven years ago, when I tried dating in this universe and the woman once again revealed herself to be a narcissistic psycopath, except worse. If it weren't for my best friend being paranoid enough to plant at least one tracker in each of my limbs, and hacking into my Communicator, I'd be dead by now.

After that, I joined the Serrano Naval Forces to get my mind off things and try to figure out a way to change the future. If I had to, I could always just hijack a ship and ram it into Palpatine, no way he had the time or resources to build those cloning facilities until after the Clone Wars. Though I usually just call that Plan F. Plans A-D all give me reasonable chances to live, and even with a Great Uncle as connected as mine I don't exactly have the resources to even get started on Plan E. Not that I'm going to be running it by him until I know whether or not to include him on the kill list.

Though I've kinda grown to care for this version, so maybe the discussions I've had with him over the years will help sway his mind. It'd be better to have the full resources of the Confederacy trying to help fix this blighted mess of a galaxy. Fortunately...

"Greetings, Captain. What do you think of your new ship?"

I turned and saluted Admiral Trench. The Harch returned the salute and walked up next to me. I looked out the window at my new ship and smiled. The Confederacy had always had some interesting designs, in my opinion, and when I was given the chance to modify one for war according to my own specifications I jumped at it. Though I think I ended up going a bit overboard. The new Heavy Dreadnought variant of the Recusant was 3200 meters long, 600 meters wide, and 800 meters tall, around the same size or bigger as a Lantean Aurora. It had a significantly increased armour belt and multiple layers of shielding. Not to mention the shields were a new design that could block both kinetic and energy weapons simultaneously, and you don't need to lower all of them just to fire some of your guns so I won't be able to get Skywalkered, at least not from that angle.

And that was without getting into the guns. Some of the engineers asked me if I was planning to kill Gods with this ship. And, well... 2 Siege Turbolaser Cannons on the upper prow, 400 Heavy Turbolaser Cannons, 680 Heavy Turbolaser Turrets, 920 Turbolaser Cannons, 1400 Dual Laser Cannons, 1600 Dual Light Laser Cannons, 2000 Point-Defence Laser Cannons, 1200 Concussion Missile Tubes and 1 prow-mounted Anti-Proton Beam Cannon. It's certainly no Death Star beam, but I don't see why I'd need to go and destroy an entire planet anyway. Seems kinda childish. There's also two Hangers holding a total of 488 LACs, a mix of Vultures and Hyenas, along with 112 HMP Gunships. Fortunately, someone listened when I argued for funding for an actual Gunship design. Since it's smaller and faster than the C-9979 Landing Craft we've been using for years it can be used to clear an LZ prior to the arrival of the main forces. The pair of C-9979As aboard my ship were also modified with a total of 12 extra guns, 6 on each wing, and the same enhanced Deflector Shields as the Odyssey.

"I think she'll be a fine addition to the Navy, Admiral. Would you like a tour? We've got everything to be self-sufficient, including internal refineries and foundries to build new Droids, ships, and ammunition on the move."

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