Fresh Start

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                      Running out of your house, you slowed down a bit to shrug the twisted left strap of your bookbag onto your shoulder. As you reached the end of your driveway, you slowed down to yank open the door to your best friend's ancient Toyota.

"Come on, Y/N, we're gonna be late!!!!!" Oakley told you as she pushed a little on the ancient chariot's gas. 

"Ughh Oakleyyyy- how many times have I said NOT to move the car while I'm trying to get in," you whine.

"And how many times have I not listened?" she responds. "Besides, I want to get there early so I can scope out who to hang around with."

You only reply with a shake of your head as you turn to look out the large car window, looking for anyone else who may be rushing to school for the first day. Technically, you were sophomores, (Oakley had an early August birthday and could already drive), but your school decided it was a special little princess and had all 9th graders stay in middle school for their 4th year.

Taking a deep breath, you tried to not let your excitement get a hold of you, and tuned in to the music. Humming along until the chorus where you knew the words, you joined Oakley and Nicky Youre as they sang "Sunroof". Although you and Oakley were not always in pitch, singing along to an upbeat song as you said goodbye to summer was still fun.

The song ended and was replaced by the sound of laughter as you waited for the next song to come on, but Oakley shook their head at you as she clarified, "No more music. I think I'm too nervous to sing anymore, and I might puke if I laugh."

Turning away, you giggle at her serious face, knowing your friend to be a drama queen.

"Hey, why didn't Troy come with us today?" You ask, glancing at the fast-approaching school.

"You don't remember? He's still in Venice with his Daddy " she answered, snottily.

"Missing the first day of school for Italy?" you tutted.

"Rich people problems," You said together, pulling into the grey concrete lot. 

"Does he come back in time for next week," you question, "or is he still MIA like he was all summer?"

"Nah, he'll be back halfway through this week." Oakley answers, furrowing her brows. "Do you remember where I'm supposed to park?" She frowns with a sigh. Keeping her eyes on the road, she turns to hear your reply.

"No? Oh wait, yeah, wasn't it somewhere to the left?" You ask.

Shrugging, Oakley turns the car in the direction you pointed, and follows along the row until you reach the designated parking spot. It was about half an hour before school officially started, but almost all of the parking spots were full. As Oakley puts the car in park, you pull down the shade and open the top to the built-in mirror. You give yourself a once over, checking your face and hair for any hint that you got under 5 hours of sleep. Deciding that you looked presentable, but snapped the mirror's top and slammed the shade up, grabbing your water bottle from the cupholder simultaneously.

As you reach for the handle, you notice the many students walking through the lot to the school, taking mental notes of who you recognize and who you don't. Pushing the ancient door open, you stepped out of the gray car, careful not to slam the door behind you. You took a second to take in your surroundings, feeling the warmth and brightness of the day for the first time, Hearing someone yell, you turned your head to catch the reunion of 3 friends who laughed and hugged each other.

" 's weirdly peaceful..." Oakley observes, quirking an eyebrow next to you.

You snap out of your thoughts, realizing you had tuned out the things right around you to tune in to things happening further from you. You had a habit of watching strangers and not realizing it, staring for far too long, and listening to other's conversations.

Taking a deep breath in, you look back at Oakley and smile, being reminded that while you were more of an optimist, Oakley took more of a pessimistic approach to life. Oakley was never usually so pessimistic as she was in class at school.

"Need me to open the door for you, princess?" Oakley teases, reminding you that your bag is still in the car.

Playing along, you chuckle and nod, saying "I couldn't expect any less!"

Oakley then shakes her head, smiling, and trudges over to the door to open it for you. 

You lean in to grab your book bag, then stand straight as you struggle again to put the straps on correctly. Oakley waits for you to close the door with keys in hand, watching you as you figure out how a book bag works.

When you finally get your bag on, you manage to grab the back door with one hand and it clicks closed just before Oakley locks it.

Walking around the car to Oakley, you locate the closest door and start heading for it. 

"Oakley, I'm actually so excited," you sigh, "I loved summer, but a new school year is just what I needed."

"I like summer better, but whatever" Oakley shrugs.

"C'mon Oaks, you have to be a little excited,"  you respond, "don't you like school even a little? I mean, we always hang out together during classes and lunch."

"Okay, so I like SOME parts of school and SOME of the people. But I hate the work and notes ya'know."

Raising your eyebrows, you sigh a breathy "Okay~" while looking down at the curb of the sidewalk's bright yellow paint line. 

Taking the rest of the walk to the front door to continue people-watching, you can't help but smile from all the jitters and excitement you feel. Stopping just before the door, you look at Oakley and smile, waiting for her to return the sentiment. 

"You ready?" Oakley questions you.

"God I hope so" is your quick, eyebrow-raised reply. 

Letting go of a breath, you reach for the door that you will despise for the next four years, but that you adore today.

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