Four Quirks

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     Misako quirks an eyebrow at the small crowd of girls standing outside of the locker room, multicolored swimsuits draped over their arms.  As she walks up, Ashido yells a 'hello' to her from over the group.  
     "What's going on?" she asks, glancing around.  She saw Uraraka step back and hide behind Yaoyorozu.  
     "We're having a pool party!" Hagakure yells excitedly.  Ashido nods her head.  
     "We were gonna change in the locker rooms and head out to the pool but the doors are locked," Ashido explains.  
     "Oh," Misako hums.  She puts her hands on her hips, looking around the hall, but nobody else was there.  "Well..." she sighs before stepping forward.  She pulled a ring of keys out from one of her many pockets in the black cargo pants she wore.  "Don't mention this."  She flips through them, then unlocks the double doors.  The girls cheer as they begin entering.  "But, hey!" Misako calls and they turn around.  "Wear your uniforms, you have to while on campus."  

     They all leave out onto the pool deck.  While Misako was wearing the school's swimsuit, she also had a white swimshit on overtop with the U.A. branding printed on.  None of them had really though to order one as it was listed for men on the school website, but coversiding how covering the swimsuit was as is, most of them didn't really mind it.  
     Misako got outside just as they finished their stretching routine.  She had called Machi to ensure her schedule was clear as she wouldn't be able to easily answer the phone for 2 hours or so.  The boys were already outside.  They were still stretching, but unlike the girls, they were doing it individually and spread out.  
     She opted out of the games the girls were playing.  She was tired from work and just wanted to relax in the water.  She just floated, trying not to get in the way, occasionally talking to some of the girls as she splashed them, but mostly sitting out on the sports.  
     She had purposefully sank to the bottom of the pool, holding her breath as she laid on the tiled floor.  She was slowly rising, but when she saw Kirishima's notable bright red hair leaning over the pool down at her, she smiled and rose to the top.  
     Her multicolored hair was pulled back into a short ponytail as she sat her chin on the edge of the pool wall.  Kirishima was grinning down at her and Bakugo was standing a bit behind him, scoffing.  
     "Glad to see you two made it," Misako greets, holding on with her hands now so she could talk.  "I wasn't expecting you, Bakugo-kun."  
     "Shut up, you corpse!" he yells.  Kirishima's eyes go wide as his head whips around and Misako's narrow.  
     "Excuse me?"  He watched her push herself out of the water, eerily slow.  A small vortex followed her legs as it continued to push her up like an elevator.  "How do you know about that?" she grumbles under her breath.  Her eyes remained fixed on his, cold and uninviting.
     "Know about what?" he asks.  Her expression drops, and then she smiles.  The switch made Bakugo's skin crawl.  
     He wanted to yell at her again, ask what the hell she was talking about, but Iida called out to him and the redhead to start their competition.  

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