Я помню чудное мгновенье

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     It was finally time for the summer training camp.  Most of the students were buzzing with excitement.  Misako was not one of those people, off to the side of the crowd awaiting their bus as she spoke hurriedly into the phone.  
     Bakugo happened to be standing close to her and couldn't help but listen to her conversation, mostly on the account that he couldn't understand a word she spoke.  
     "Yes, yes, totya.  I know.  I miss you, too.  I have duties here.  I agree, yes.  There's been villains nearby.  Yes, many.  Yes.  No, please don't speak of my father like that.  I understand, but it's not his fault.  I know.  My mission is going well, but the school needs me.  Please don't say that, totya.  I care deeply for these people.  No, not more than my family, but I have other duties to attend.  The company Mam lived with, I work there, and I have many responsibilities.  I love you, totya.  Please do not worry, I will see you for the winter."  
He didn't know what language she was speaking, but it was nothing he recognized.  It sounded more foreign than anything he'd ever heard.  
     But Bakugo didn't pay her much mind as she hung up the phone.  She shared a glance with Aizawa that only Bakugo seemed to notice.  Those black eyes of hers had never appeared like anything but menacing until now, looking like they'd sucked all happiness from her and thrown it into a black hole.  

     Misako's head laid back against the bus seat.  She watched the clouds drift by slowly as they sped along the highway.  She felt a little homesick, having to miss her annual vacation to visit her family.  It always nice to visit her extended family, the last remnants of her mother, and to get the hell out of Japan for once.  Out in the Russian countryside, there was no heroes.  There were hardly cops.  Out in the Russian countryside, there were 2 vigilantes and plenty of bears.  
     While she morally appreciated the strict nature of Japan, sometimes it was nice to be way up north.  Where when people did bad things, there was no trial, there was only the cold snow and the wild.  You'd lock your doors, stay inside, and ignore the knocking at your window.  If you were sane, you'd convince yourself it was a creature of the night and not a criminal.  It was easier to believe a beast wanted your soul than it was to believe your neighbor had raped a child.  
     Misako shakes her head, physically throwing the thought from her head.  She didn't want to think about that.  He was dead, anyway.  They all were, weren't they?  So it didn't matter anymore, the Russian winter couldn't save her.  She was fine.  

     The bus slows to a stop by a steep cliff.  The students climb out, leaving Misako behind unknowingly.  They were stretching their legs, speaking to Aizawa, until a group of pro-heroes showed up called the Wild, Wild Pussycats.  It consistented of 4 members and had an appropriate cat-theme to their costumes.  They owned a compound out in the woods just west of that very cliff, and their arrival boasted a new surprise as the students were launched off the cliff and into the woods below.  They would have to fight their way through the woods, and if they didn't arrive before 6pm, they'd miss dinner.  
     Misako climbs out of the bus so it could leave.  She gives a half-hearted wave to the group and a bright smile to the young boy at the feet of Mandalay.  It was her nephew who'd began living with her just under 2 years ago after his parents died.  
     Misako had a certain soft spot in her heart for Izumi.  She knew what it was like.  While she hadn't hate heroes, she did used to hate quirks.  After her mom died, she couldn't bare the though of quirks existing in the world.  It was an unfortunate start to the path she still pursued.  
     And it seemed, to her at least, that Izumi had a certain soft spot in his heart for her, too.  It was evident as she scooped him up, setting him on her shoulders and holding his small hands in her gray ones.  She was the only person who could make Izumi act the way a kid should.  
     Aizawa and the Pussycats continued speaking about the camp, but Misako stayed quiet, and so did Izumi.  Misako and her father begin off along with two of the members, Mandalay and Ragdoll.  Burgunday and emerald hair led the path through the woods belonging to the two heroes in front of them.  They'd left the other two on the cliff, a blonde-haired, blue-eyed Pixie-bob controlling the mountainous terrain and Tiger, a brunette man who stayed to keep watch of his companion while she focused on the students.  

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