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     Bakugo looks behind him, stomach twisting.  Even from here, soaring through the sky, he could see Misako's distinct hair whipping around her face in the wind from their fight.  All Might and All for One were not giving up as they fought fist to fist, and Misako watched.  Even from here, he could see that her face was peaceful, but worried.  
     His stomach was in knots at her words.  One thing did give him solace though: one of the villains used their quirk to shoot a member straight for them, and with the little power she had, Misako raised her arms and shot streams of water.  They were nothing grand—their most notable quality being how weak they were—but they were enough to knock him off course and send him tumbling to the floor.  
     He looks forward again.  Midoriya, Kirishima, and Iida were all in front of him, flying through the air with him as Kirishima held his hand.  They were disguised by gaudy get ups that made Bakugo's eyes sting.  They'd busted through a wall just outside the compound and offered Bakugo an escape.  With his explosions, he could rocket himself in the air enought to catch Kirishima's hand, but he hadn't been close enough to grab Misako when he did.  Her words rang in his head, pushing through the overstimulating waves of static and rushing air, and he wondered if it even would've helped.  

     "Oh, but there is one thing you might be interested to know," All for One says.  His wicked grin was hidden behind that ugly mask.  "Shigaraki Tomura?  My apprentice?  He's Shimura Nana's grandson."
     Yagi faltered.  His true form, a hollow and small man, was on display for the world, but now he was truly terrified.  Terrified of what he had done.  He'd beaten a direct descendant of the woman who had trained him to use his quirk One for All, his master, his predecessor.  She'd given him that quirk that set forth his future and he's used it for something so heinous.
     "I kept wondering what would annihilate your golden heart, and so I found Tomura.  Groomed him to hate you, and watched you smile so proudly as you beat your master's descendant."
     "T-That's a lie..." he mutters, mouth agape and quivering.
     "Oh, come now.  You know it's the truth.  That is clearly something I would do."  He gave a hearty laugh, slamming a fist into Yagi's stomach.  He jolted back, but caught himself as he dug his hands into the rubble to stop himself from flying away.  
     "You... bastard," he grumbles.  His jaw quivered so tightly, he could hardly speak.  "I will rescue my students.  Move out of the way."  
     "What students?  Bakugo is gone," All for One taunts.  
     "The girl you stole, Aizawa Misako," Yagi growls.  The man chuckles again, raising his arms out and extending a hand towards the girl far away.  
     "Misako, dear, step closer."  Her stare was intense even through the dust.  Yagi could only gape.  She takes one singular step forward, an act of defiance, but confirmation nontheless.  "Yes, yes, your dear student Misako.  I don't know that you'll be wanting her back, and I plan on keeping her.  She is my great-granddaughter after all."  
     Finally, Yagi's fist dropped to his side.  His shoulders slumped even further down, nearly sending him to the floor.  All for One laughed wildly, gasping for breath so much he could hardly contain himself, mocking the motion of wiping a tear from his non-existant eye.  
    "Huh.  Well, well.  That's strange, All Might.  Where is your smile now?"  He let out a deep and low chuckle.  Yagi's spirit was truly gone.  "How very entertaining.  I think I've taken a piece of you after all."  

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