Isolated, It Seems

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     Misako trembled as she stared down at her phone.  She so badly wanted to slam it down on the pavement below her feet and if it wasn't such a hassle to move data, she just might have.  
     "Pick up your fucking phone," she growls.  She huffs to herself.  She was worried she knew why Kirishima wasn't answering, and it was only pissing her off more.  She slides through her contacts as she continues marching forward through the middle-class neighborhod.  
     She holds her phone to her ear as she makes another phone call, teeth mashing together as she tore skin off the inside of her cheek.  
     "Sorry I missed your call!  Please leave me a voicemail and I'll send you a text if you're one of my friends," Ashido sang from the other end.  Misako pauses to dig her nails into her face in frustration.  It's not my fault! pounded through her head in agitation.  Did they all hate her that much?  
     She sighs as she looks up, staring at the sky.  Then she looks over as the door opens to the house she was standing in front of.  If she wasn't so pissed off, she would've been jumping to apologize as she scurried off, but today, she only began away at a brisk pace.  
     "Wait!" the man called.  "Are you okay, dear?"  Misako turns around to answer his question.  She probably looked like such an ass now as she narrowed her eyes at the man who looked oddly familiar.  Maybe they'd met through CORE?  
     "O-Oh, yeah, I'm good," Misako laughs, still sizing up his face as she tries to figure out how she knew him.  "Just a little frustrated with my friends is all," she laughs.  The man nods.  
     "You seemed like you were struggling out here and I wanted to make sure you weren't having a medical emergency or something."  She smiles as she nods her head a bit to assure him.  
     "I'm sorry I worried you."  They both look over as the door slams against the house.  The boy standing on the porch made Misako immediately realize why she recognized his father.  
     "Katsuki, get back inside!" he yells.  
     "Why the hell are you at my house!?" the blond screams, ignoring his dad and staring straight at Misako.  
     "I didn't know it was your house," she answers sheepishly.  She looks back at the brunette man before bowing apologetically.  "Sorry to disturb your evening, sir."  However, his eyebrows were raised as he looked between Bakugo and her.  
     "Do you know my son?" he asks calmly.  He sounded a little bewildered, which was understandable considering Bakugo's explosiveness.  She nods.  
     "We attend U.A. together."  She looks over as Bakugo saddles up to the black metal gate, resting his arms on it and pushing it open a little bit more.  
     "Why do you have luggage?  You movin'?" he questions with a chuckle.  "The dorms aren't-"
     "Bakugo Katsuki!" his father screams in a whisper.  "Get back in the house, right now," he hisses in a staccato fashion.  Bakugo huffs, glancing at Misako's suitcase being dragged behind her. 
     He mutters a grumbly, "Whatever" before walking back inside the house and slamming the door.  His father looks at the girl again with arms wide open before giving a quick bow, looking like he forgot he needed one.  
     "I'm Bakugo Masaru, Katsuki's father," he tells her quickly.  She smiles with a small laugh and nods her head.  
     "I think I could tell," she jokes and he laughs along with her.  "I'm Misako."  
     "Just Misako?" he asks lightly, but any concern was dispelled with a firm nod of her head.  "Well, Misako-kun, would you like to come in for dinner?  U-Unless you have somewhere to be," he stutters out, eyes flickering to the suitcase between them.  She follows his gaze down to it with a small sting in her heart.  
     "I'd love to join you."  

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