Until Now

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     The four students stand, nearly trembling.  They weren't together—they weren't even aware the other 3 were there yet—but they all felt the same: overwhelming, crushing dread.  Impending doom, perhaps.  All four were trying to calm themselves to not look stupid in front of the hoard of pro-heroes around them, including the people they called bosses for the work-studies they're started about a month back.  
     Uraraka thought of her parents and providing for them.  Asui thought of her younger siblings, wanting to give them someone to look up to.  Kirishima thought of Misako, how much he missed her the past couple of months, how much he wanted to see her beautiful smile just for him again, and mostly, about how much he wanted her help right now.  But alas, she wouldn't be there, for her safety.  
     Midoriya thought of the young girl he'd ran into that sparked this whole mess.  She had white hair and yellow eyes and a singular, pale beige horn sticking out of the left side of her forehead.  Bandages wrapped her arms and legs, an unnerving sight for a girl who couldn't have been older than 7.  The investigation of that incident led them here, a posse moving in to break into the Yakuza's underground hideaway where they believed she was being held.  
     This wasn't going to be fun.  

     "An explosion has erupted through the ground near sections A and C," one of the men reports.  X pinches her lips.  She had been notified of an underground fight happening today and it was going to be a big one.  Basically everyone was on duty.  It was unfortunate she couldn't be involved, but it was currently better she stay out, and she had things to tend to.  
     "Division 3, Division 4, begin evacuation of section C.  Divsion 5, Division 6, begin evacuation of section A.  Bunker all capable adults in the schools in section B and take the children to section F.  Move."  
     "F?" one asks over the buzzer.  
     "Yes."  X looks over as Percentage stands beside her.  They would've been a deadly duo if they were compatible.  
     "What are you going to do?" he asks.  She sighs and shakes her head.  
     "What do you think?"  

     Finally, Asui, Midoriya, Kirishima, and Uraraka returned.  They had a long and tiring battle with the Yakuza and their leader Chisaki.  They'd stayed for questioning late into the night, had heard that pro-hero Sir Nighteye passed away, and were overall just tired.  Midoriya especially felt the blow as he'd been conducting his work-study at Sir Nighteye's agency, and he felt guilty when his thoughts drifted to wondering what he was going to do.  
     Bakugo shoves Kaminari off of him.  He was right, Bakugo had stayed downstairs because he was worried about the fight.  However, the four who came through the door weren't the people he was looking for.
     "Time for bed," Bakugo grumbles.
     "What?  But it's so early!" Kaminari argued.
     "Unlike the rest of you nerds, I've got stuff to do."  Todoroki excuses himself as well, citing their training the next day as an excuse.  
     The class semi-crowded the four, ushering them inside and providing them dinner.  Ashido watched Kirishima, only because of his frantic look as his head swung back and forth around the room.  Whatever he was looking for obviously wasn't here.  

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