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     They did not get to answer the question.  She was just gone, vanished before them, as was Sakamata.  Bakugo glanced around even though he knew it was futile.  Indeed it was, as he felt her cold arms around him and he was against a wall in a moment.  It was gentle, the way she pushed him back, holding him back by pressing her forearms between his chest and shoulders.  
     "I apologize, Katsuki," she whispers.  He shivered as her hand intertwined in his, curling around his fingers as she raised it to her face like she was going to kiss the back of it.  She turns her head, sneering her lip, and bit into the flesh of the side of his palm.  Her tongue swashed against his skin after she pulled her teeth out, drinking his blood like a vampire.  Bakugo knew he should've been fighting her, trying to push her back, but there was something about the way she looked at him, held him, pushed him back.  He'd fail the test if it kept her near.  
     "You're crazy," he says with a small laugh.  She looks up, grinning at the tiny smile on his face as he watched her.  
     "I know.  I'll tell you a secret," she says.  She stands up her toes, no match for his 170 centimeter frame, being probably 20 short.  She leans against his chest, her head just barely sliding past his, pressing their entangle hands between them as she whispers into his ear.  "I can hold six now."  

     She again vanished, reappearing instantly in the center of the stadium.  Bakugo could see the fuzzy glitch of the air around her feet as she spawned in.  He could hardly move.  He didn't know why, but he almost felt paralyzed.  He couldn't tell if it was her quirk or her actions, only being able to stare at her in the stadium.  Her eyes were closed, her head tilted back and her arms holding each other behind her.  She really did look like her dad sometimes.  
     The back of her hero costume was open quite a bit, only wrapping around her neck and a thin line in the back that completely displayed her branding.  
     All twelve had been thrown to the walls, though it seemed like she had not been nearly as soft as she had been with him.  Of course, because she wanted his quirk.  
     One of the men was already running at her, a massive guy Bakugo knew he'd seen during the test.  He swings his arms above his head as he sprints forward, a tornado spawning in the air just above him.  Misako's eyes open, glimmering in the sunlight streaming from the open top of the arena.  She doesn't move for a moment and Bakugo finally got started jogging forward.  His blood was already rolling shockwaves through his system.  It felt too thick to be confined to his veins while it ran steadily from the puncture in his hand.  
     Misako jumps into the air current, shooting herself up with a jutting pillar of cement and making the man stop.  He looked up, seeing Misako in the center of the storm, using Bakugo's own quirk to propel herself downwards with her arms high in the air.  
     "Sorry!" she calls before her boot's heel strikes his face.  He sank under her leg and she landed, pressing her left foot into his chest as the wind dissappated.  She raised her arm, shooting an explosion from it that tosses her to the right and just out of the way of a guy running at her back.  She ducks into a roll and bounces up, spinning on her feet and swinging her leg up and back.  Her sole collided straight into the face of an oncoming opponent.

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