☆ 034 - ͙۪۪̥˚

188 2 0

real life

chris and jacob played some fortnite, laughing about some player being shitty at the game since they were a bit toxic. the chat went crazy, and after a while they seemed to spot who was missing. they asked a lot of 'where's matt' and 'shouldn't jules be there as well' which made the two of them forced to at least say hi. jules got off the bed and showed herself in the camera. "hi! i'm here, just tired and for real ready for tonight!" jules said, winking at nick. nick laughed, since the other in the friend group had no idea. chris gave her a suspicious look but said nothing. matt crawled to the end of the bed and waved into the screen. chat was spamming like crazy. now that they had shown that they were there, the pair went back to watching tiktoks. the night went on and they ended the stream by singing happy birthday to jacob.

later that night, nick made some drinks (which was mainly alcohol) since they were celebrating tonight. jules obviously had one, or a few.. jacob took one and leo one as well. nick had gotten a bit drunk too but chris and matt stayed sober, knowing that some of them would get real messy when they were drunk. 

an hour later, jules were wandering around with nick in the house just talking, when she felt a disgusting feeling in her body. she ran outside the door and puked into a few bushes. nick walked after the girl, laughing at her. she sat down for a bit, before she heard steps behind her. jules felt a hand on her shoulder and she turned her head slowly. "matthew!" she slurred, smiling widely. matt gave her a soft smile back before holding out his arms so she could use him as support when getting up. jules grabbed his wrist and pulled herself off the ground and stumbled around for a bit before matt catched her.

"calm down jules. you're drunk as fuck" he said, snickering and keeping the girl steady. she scoffed. "noo! i only had two.. drinks!" jules said, laughing. matt rolled his eyes playfully and helped the girl inside. "let's get you upstairs. you need to sleep" matt said, helping her up the stairs. she already had her pajamas on, so she didn't need to change. matthew laid her down carefully in his bed and then pulling the covers over her slowly. she mumbled something and turned around to face the wall. matt was about to turn around and leave when she spoke. "nooo.. you sleep as well" jules said with a low voice. matt smiled faintly. "i'll be back soon okay? i gotta make sure mine and your brothers go to bed." he said with a soft voice before slowly turning off the lights and closing the door.

he walked down the stairs and managed to get the rest of the drunk people (nick, leo and jacob) to bed, before sitting down exhausted on the couch. chris joined him and spread out his body across the couch.

"why are you still up? aren't you tired?" chris asked, downing a glass of water. matt looked at his brother. "i am, just had to make sure everyone got to bed first. you too brother." matt said, pointing at chris. chris shrugged. "i'll go to bed in a few minutes, you go up and sleep with your girl." chris said, gesturing towards the stairs. matt's heart did a flip. his girl. 

"i'll do that. night, chris." matt said before walking up the stairs. "night, matt!" chris answered before getting up to put the glass into the dishwasher. matthew quietly walked up the stairs and opened the door into his room slowly, not wanting to wake the girl up. he also had his pajamas on, but switched into a new shirt. it was a black simple t-shirt. he carefully laid down beside the girl and swung his arm around her gently. jules started moving around a little bit. matt's eyes widened, not wanting to wake her up.

"you're back" jules spoke into the dark room. matt almost jumped at the sound of her voice, thinking that she was asleep. matt moved a little bit. "i am. why aren't you sleeping? did i wake you?" matt said in a low voice. he felt her shuffle around before turning completely around to face him. "no. i didn't want to sleep without you here" she spoke easily. matt noticed that the alcohol was still in her system from her bold behavior. he smiled a little bit. "well i'm here now so let's sleep okay? you need it. especially for the hungover tomorrow." matt smiled, laying his arm around her to pull her a bit closer. she stretched out her arm and tangled it into his hair, now being close to the boy. jules crawled even closer, having her face snuggled into his neck. she sighed with relief, finally being able to sleep comfortably. 

jules lifted her head and she knew he was looking at her too. the girl went in for a kiss, but he did not. "i'm not kissing you when you're drunk, jules. you're not in control of what you're doing. we can kiss tomorrow when the alcohol's out of your body." matt said softly. jules huffed but snuggled her face into his neck once more as he carefully slid his arm from her upper side to her waist. the pair fell asleep quietly in each others arms. 

jules was the first one to wake up the next morning. it was eleven am and the girl glanced up carefully at the boy still sleeping. a soft smile appeared on her lips. her head was banging from the alcohol last night and she felt a little dizzy, so she decided on just resting her eyes and body against matt's, her falling asleep again. 

they had nothing planned for the entire day, so if they wanted to, the pair could lay in bed the entire day and just watch netflix. matt had been awake for about forty minutes, when jules yawned into his chest. he smiled softly, looking at the girl. jules met his eyes with a tired smile. "hi" she said with a low voice. matt smiled faintly at her. "hey" he spoke, his voice a little raspy from waking up not too long ago. jules burrowed her head into his chest again and groaned. "i want to stay in bed all day." the girl complained, rubbing her forehead due to the headache that she had. matt snickered. "who says we can't?" the boy said, glancing down onto jules head. she nodded. "but first, let's go downstairs and make some breakfast. i'll do some bacon and eggs for you?" matt suggested, and jules tiredly sat up, nodding her head.

the pair walked down the stairs, being met by silence. no one seemed to be awake, even though the time was a little over twelve pm. matt started making the bacon and eggs as jules sat down on a bar stool, watching him. they were quiet, not really having anything to say. it was a comfortable silence though, even though she could literally hear her head banging. after a few minutes, matt put a plate with two eggs and two bacons with a glass of water in front of jules. she smiled, being thankful for him making the food. he sat down beside her, leaning down onto the kitchen island and resting his head there while the girl ate her breakfast. 

abbie speaks

next chap ... !!

they're so awh. i'm like almost finished

w this story so a lot of chapters are pre-written!!

i'll post a few a day until it's done, then i really need to focus

on flaws and damaged memories ffs ...


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