☆ 035 - ͙۪۪̥˚

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real life

jules had finished her breakfast and went to put the plate into the dishwasher. she took a glass of water and downed it in a few seconds before placing the glass down as well. matt stood up to clean the counter from when he cooked, as jules just stood beside him and watched. when he was done, he turned around and looked at the girl in front of him.

the two of them just stood there for a few seconds, watching each other. "by the way" jules started, getting off leaning onto the counter. matt raised his eyebrows slightly. "i want that kiss now." the girl finished her sentence, stopping in her tracks to look at matthew. matt snickered but wasted no time. he took a careful grip around her wrist and pulled her into a kiss. it was supposed to be a short kiss, but when they had begun, it was difficult to stop. matthew's hands went from her face down to her waist as her hands rested easily on his neck. matt turned the girl around so she had her back against the kitchen island. deja vu.

she deepened the kiss, pulling him any possibly closer. matthew smirked and wasted no time to deepen the kiss. the pair pulled away for a few seconds, catching their breaths before matthew broke their distance again. jules smiled against his lips, letting one of her hands get tangled into his hair as the other one rested on his neck. his hands were mainly on her waist, but made small movements up and down on her back down to her waist again.

"someone bleach my eyes." nick said, looking at the pair with wide eyes. matt and jules immediately jumped apart and looked at nick with wide eyes. nick laughed loudly. "get a room you two, i just wanted some cereal" he said, turning around and walking up the stairs again. nick gestured to jules to go to his room later and she gave him a quick nod. nick disappeared up the stairs, and the girl turned awkwardly towards matt. he snickered with a smile on his lips. jules tried to not laugh, but ended in a short laughter before they went upstairs again. they went their separate ways, jules knocked on nick's door and matt barged into chris's room. nick opened the door, looking at the girl with a smile on his face before letting her in and closing the door behind her.

right when she got inside and he closed the door, nick jumped around in a circle. "what the fuck what the fuck jules!" nick said excitedly. he looked at her with wide eyes and a smile. "what did i tell you! i'm the master of pairing up people for fucks sake!" nick said, pulling the girl into a hug. she laughed into his neck. "sorry you had to walk in on that..." jules apologized, clearly being kind of embarrassed. nick laughed. "I'M sorry i walked in on that. who knows what would've happened." nick said, emphasizing the 'i'm' and sighed jokingly in the end. jules hit him lightly but snickered.

nick sat down on the bed. "so for how long has this been going on jules! like, the whole thing about you two being into each other, yeah we got that. but the kissing and making out part? hello?" nick said with a wide smile on his lips, gesturing for the girl to sit down beside nick. jules scratched her neck before giving in with a smile. "i don't know.. i told you about the first time in the kitchen. after that, we made out once when he came to my placed all beaten up, and then now.." jules said, rolling her eyes playfully with a smile. nick clapped his hands together and almost did a happy scream.

"you can't tell anyone though! i don't know what we are." jules said, pointing her finger at nick. he nodded, understanding completely. "of course. but promise me you'll keep me updated?" nick asked, tilting his head. jules laughed and nodded in response, giving him the answer he wanted. the two of them talked about some random things until it was time for the girl and her brothers to head home. she had slept over at the triplets house most days this winter break, and needed some time for herself. it was a little less than two weeks until school started, so she had plenty of time to hang out with the triplets later on the break as well.

matt drove the three of them home, giving jules an soft smile before she closed the car door and started making her way towards the house. she smiled back, and waved slightly before entering through the door with her brothers. jules immediately went to take a shower. she let the steaming water stream down her body, feeling the warmth. she thought through the situation with matt, since she couldn't just be straight forward. she couldn't because she had no idea what she wanted. that was the first step, figuring out what jules truly wanted with matt.

these last few days had been nice, but it felt so odd yet so strong, the thing she had with matthew. it was like solving a puzzle, or finding the last clue leading up to the answer. she truly couldn't describe it, but she wanted more of it. he was like a drug that she needed to be happy, but it could get dangerous if they go too far. not dangerous in the kind of 'being in danger' way, more like they would eventually get each other's hearts broken, or tear the entire friend group apart. 

abbie speaks

i'm so. they're so. sigh. 

POOR NICK . this was so fun to write though lmao

i have a driving lesson or whatever in like an hour

so i'll update later tonight ... ! ilysmmm

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