Surface (Errorberry)

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Error and Blue were in the Anti-void watching Undernovela. Ever since Error freed him from the Anti-void for unknown reasons, Blue would make the effort to visit weekly to keep Error company.

Its been a few years since the day he made him fight his own brother, and after some tweaks his universe was like new but not in the terms of a reset. Now, Underswap was on the surface which did intrigue Error but he never visited Blue.

Thinking about that, Blue perked up as he spoke, "We should have dinner in my universe!" The sudden speaking caught Error of guard, making him nearly spill his drink as he glitched a bit.

"What?" Error asked, his voice glitching as he did.

"We should have dinner in my universe! I was thinking how you never come to visit me but i always visit you!" Blue shifted in his beanbag, staring at Error with his big blue eyes. The whites in the middle had stars in them, which caused Error to sigh.

"Absolutely not." This reply caused a loud groan from Blue who dramatically threw his hands in the air. His eye whites turned back into small dots as Blue began to pout.

"Why not?! I always visit you! We can do more than just a dinner too, we can go to the park, the movies, whatever you want!" Error let out another sigh. He knew Blue would keep pestering him until he agreed and he was not in the mood to argue.

"Fine, but two hours max."  Error said with a bit of reluctance. The youngest universe never got along with the glitch due to Error's whole nearly killing everyone bit.

Blue gasped, the middles of his eyes turning into stars as he practically jumped up from the bean bag chair. "Let's get going then! We can go to dinner then watch the sunset!"

Error couldn't help but crack a small smile, getting up himself. "Yeah yeah, patience Blue Bird."

A glitchy portal opened into Underswap, near the plaza where all the restaurants and shops were. Blue grabbed Error's hand, dragging him.through the portal.

If it were anyone else, Error would have glitched and get an ear full from him later but Blue was special. Blue had helped Error with his haphephobia through small interactions over the last few years so he has grown used to the smaller Sans' touch. He still has his moments however.

The bustling city of Underswap sparked one of these moments of over stimulation but it wasn't bad. Blue kept hold of his hand so he used that as his way, just to focus on that. Blue looked over at Error, smiling and squeezed his hand. "Come on, I know just the place!"

To Error's surprise it wasn't the taco shop that Blue spoke about so often. It was a small quiet cafe looking restaurant with not many people in it.

"Let's go get our seats!" Blue waved to the staff as if he'd known them all his life but in fact he's never met a single one of these humans before. It fascinated Error to see how someone could just live like that.

They took their seats next to the window, Error looking out and examined each and every person who went by. To him they were all nothing not filth. But Blue wasn't filth and he was from this universe. It baffled him, the destroyer never understood Blue and he probably never will.

"What would you like to eat?" Error snapped out of his line of thoughts as Blue asked He began looking at the menu as his fingers tapped against the wooden table.

"I'll just take something small like a hot chocolate and a club sandwich." Blue nodded, eyeing the menu just a bit longer before giving a firmer nod.

When the waiter appeared, he took their order with Blue insisting he'd order for both of them so Error didn't have to get out of his 'comfort zone' all in one go.

Error looked out the window, watching all the humans and monsters walking in an out of shops and along the road. He didn't get it. He didn't understand why they all looked so happy, why if they knew they were all abominations why they didn't care. He took a quick glance at Blue who was now also looking out the window. Blue always looked so peaceful no matter the situation. It urked him to his very core despite the fact Blue was his only friend. Despite the fact his universe was his third to second favorite. Despite the fact of everything, he couldn't shake off the feeling of disgust.

When the food was served Blue didn't waste a second to eat. He ordered chicken alfredo which was odd to Error. Blue never mentioned liking Italian food. Error was going to say something but if Blue read his mind he began to speak. "Undertale Papyrus and I were cooking a few days and we made this! I wanted to try a version that wasn't burnt." Error smiled and nodded, taking a bite of his club sandwich.

"So, what's your thoughts so far? Of the surface I mean." Blue smiled at Error, tilting his head ever so slightly.

The glitched sighed, taking a small sip from his hot chocolate before setting it down. "It's fine, I suppose." This response caused Blue to smile more, his knee bouncing ever so slightly under the table. The cheery voice spoke up, "After we eat since we'll have time, I would like to show you something."

Dinner was quiet after that aside from Blue essentially talking to himself. Nonsensical things such as his favorite dining spots, his favorite stores that the surface has to offer, plans he had with his friends and brother, ect. Error listened, not speaking as he stared out the window. He gave small hums of acknowledgement but he could not find it in himself to understand or reciprocate such desires due view on the universe.

Blue paid for dinner, grabbing Error's hand carefully which caused a minor glitch but nothing more. The two left the coffee shop and began to walk down the streets of Underswap. The city was loud, Error did not like that. The city was crowded, another thing Error did not like. However, Blue had them stop at a empty park.

The park was massive, small hills and trees littered the lot. As if Blue could sense his confusion, Blue spoke up. "This place isn't allowed to be touched by homes and such, I think its called a recreation area!" Blue began walking again, heading into the park. Error followed, looking about. The one thing Error did have a odd soft spot for was how beautiful worlds could be. This might be contradictory as he hates universes that are not his but that is merely the wrongs of universes from the original. Nature is always beautiful within itself to him.

Blue lead them onto one of the hills, sitting down at the top of it. Error stayed standing, looking into the distance. The view was amazing to the glitch. From here, you could see the city, the beach and ocean that was near by, as well as other aspects of the park. The sun was setting, the wind gentle enough t blow his scarf but only by a hair. He was breath taken. He slowly sat beside Blue who was now laying down, his hands under his head. "You like the view Erbear?" Error nodded, pulling his knees to his chest as he continued to look into the distance.

Error watched intensely at the every movement that occurred. The movement of the leaves from the wind, squirrels running another one another, the occasional movement in the grass from an insect. It all felt surreal.

Error always refused to go to universes and timelines that made it to the surface, fearing the nature in itself would cause him to go soft. He was never lucky enough to see it himself so being here and now for the first time ever warmed something in his glitchy twisted soul. With a smile, Error glanced at Blue who was already smiling at him.

"I suppose I can extend our stay."

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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