Chapter 1 - Normal?

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At JCJENSON company

They were assigned into squads of 4 for their 1st task as a Murder Drones. After their education will be over in school, all murder drones are going to Copper 9 and they will be going after 5 - 10 years of preparation of the plans and other stuff after school. V was stuck with N and J in team. V was the Murder Drone with most effectivnes and most usefulness, J was somewhat compared with V and N didn't. He was in the less effective group because he didn't like to kill worker drones without too big reason to have to. That is why he was liked by less effective group and hated by more effective group. But it wasn't like that before. Before they were worker drones, after V was a victim of unreleased murder drone virus and killed N, everything had changed. The worker drones have become murder drones that are designed to kill worker drones. After that this how it is now.

V just hates to go to school, she pays attention and keeps her mouth shut but sometimes she just want to be anywhere else rather than being in school. N on the other hand loves school, he always pays attention and keeps his mouth shut but he is always happy too. V is not, for V school is just a big piece of crap she wants to end forever, but se can't. Even if she is the one of the top murder drones.  N just thinks school is cool. J dosen't give a single shit about school at any point.
J thinks that because she will be squadleader that she dosen't need to do anything in school. H is N's best friend. H cares about school, but sometimes explodes because of it and dosen't come for week. It was even first day of school 7th year. They just got books and goed to their quarters. N got bored and goed over to a hotspot place where they can do whatever they want. After he spotted H they talked a bit. "What will we do?" H asked. "I don't know, maybe playing a sport games?" N asked. H agreed and they goed where they could play sport games. Then H leaved N after some time cause he got to go. Then N got bored again and got idea to go practice in training facility. He spotted V there, practicing and after she was done she wanted to go. "Hey V, how are you doi-" He was cutted by himslef cause V leaved already. This was really wierd to N but he just brushed it off of his mind and started practicing. He failed every single time without big improvement. Then he just leaved cause he knowed he couldn't pass it.

It was tuesday and they needed to go to their first class of this year in school. They were sitting as teacher wanted so they couldn't talk a lot. At first it was working but then that plan just dropped into water. V was sitting with N and she didn't care. J was sitting with H and they already talked a lot. After the calss, N tried to ask V something but she just left immediatley without even listening to his question. Then this was all very wierd to N and decided to go check up on her later. N goed to the hotspot to talk to H and then left him with J. N goed to check up on V. He commed to her quartes and knocked gently on the doors. "Who's there?" V asked. "It's me N i just come here to check up on you if you are ok" he said worryingly. "I'm fine N just go away!" V answered angrily thinking he would just left. "What is wrong with you V, if there's a problem you can tell me." he said even more worried for her after she said to him to go away. "I said go away!" V answered even more louder and angrier. N didn't want to make her even more angrier and just said sorry for bothering you and sayed goodbye to her.
"V, what the heck was that!!!" V's mind was screaming at her. "I need to go find him and apologize to him what i said."
She didn't go, she just falled onto bed and fellt into sleep.

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