Part : 3 Shopping

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Author POV

It had been four days since Wangxian returned back.

However, Jiang Cheng wasn't leaving his brother side at all. He woke up before Wei wuxian, follow him everywhere except bathroom and sleep beside him on the same bed during night to make sure Lan zhan don't approach him. He was just concerned, what if that Ice berg tried to do more "unspeakable" things to his brother? No! He can't let it happen, atleast not before marriage.

But thunders did he knew, Wei wuxian sneak out after he fell asleep to meet his beloved and came back before he woke up.

"What should we buy first?" asked Jiang cheng. It was his first time to go shopping for marriage afterall so, he didn't what to buy or not.

"Shall we buy wedding dress first?" asked Wei wuxian in suggestive tone.

"That's right!" replied Jiang cheng.

They already matched Wei wuxian and Lan zhan birth-dates. The matchmaker told that two days after was perfect day to hold marriage ceremony. Therefore Jiang cheng and Wei wuxian were on shopping for wedding while Jiang fengmian went back to Yunmeng for discussion and to prepare dowry.

After wondering around for some time, Jaing Cheng finally found the best clothes shop in the city. He dragged Wei wuxian with him.

"Cheng cheng why so hurry? I am not running away." exclaimed Wei wuxian.

"We don't have much time to shop. Two days after is your marriage and we have to buy so many things. So, let's hurry up." said Jaing cheng and continued to drag Wei wuxian.

"You are acting as it's your marriage." teased Wei wuxian and Jiang cheng shook off his head.

"I rather not to get married!" said Jaing cheng with frown. They both walked in the shop while bickering at each other.

"Young Masters, how can we help you?" asked the shopkeeper, Wei wuxian and Jiang cheng stopped their cat fight.

"We would like to buy wedding dress for him." said Jiang cheng as he pointed at Wei wuxian.

The shopkeeper nodded his head and shop workers began to show them different kinds of designer dresses for wedding. The main problem was that Wei wuxian couldn't choose between two dresses, he found them equally beautiful.

"It has been hours please decide what you want to buy, we don't have years to spend here." said Jaing cheng, judging from the sunlight it was already noon at that time.

"I can't! Both dresses are so beautiful, you help me to choose." said Wei wuxian with a pout.

"Young master, you can try them. There are changing room in that direction." suggested the shop worker while pointing towards left direction, Wei wuxian grabbed the dress and went to change.

Few minutes passed and Wei wuxian came back.

"How am I looking?" questioned Wei wuxian and Jiang cheng lifted his gaze to look at Wei wuxian.

Jiang cheng knew his brother was good looking but God swear, Wei wuxian was looking so damn beautiful. One won't able to find words to express his looks.

"I never saw such a handsome groom!" muttered Shop worker snapping Jiang cheng into reality. Jiang cheng glared at the shop worker like he would dig out his eyes.

"I know I am beautiful! Let me try this one!" said Wei wuxian flipping his hair as he grabbed the second wedding dress and went to changing room.

Wei wuxian again came back after few minutes.

"How's this one?" asked Wei wuxian and Jiang cheng couldn't speak.

"First go and change back into your clothes." said Jaing cheng and Wei wuxian rolled his eyes. Wei wuxian changed back into his regular clothes.

"Now tell me, which one looks best?" asked Wei wuxian excitedly but instead of replying him Jaing cheng turned back to Shop workers.

"Please pack both dresses." said Jiang cheng to the shopkeeper making Wei wuxian shocked.

"You don't have to buy both, one is expensive enough." said Wei wuxian.

Wei wuxian was right as the even one wedding dress was so expensive, it had design made by gold on border and sleeves. Another dress was made of pure silk with work of silver on it.

Jiang cheng won't admit it but his brother was looking so damn gorgeous in both dresses, he couldn't choose which one look the best so he decided to bought both.

Despite Wei wuxian thousands times telling him not to, Jiang cheng still bought both dresses. He played for the dresses 105 gold tales [5,040,000$].

Usually people used silver tales, not everyone had gold tales as one gold tale was equal to sixteen silver tales.

"Jaing cheng you don't have to buy such expensive dresses. And why do you have so much money?" Wei wuxian once again complained.

"You aren't going to get married thousands times and a-die send this money." said Jiang cheng, ofcourse his brother was only gonna marry once and that should be perfect.

The dresses were more expensive than the most expensive so Wei wuxian couldn't help but felt it was too much.

The shopkeeper was quite happy since both dresses were the most expensive dresses from his shop and people usually don't shop dresses of that much amount. First he regretted making such expensive dresses as he realised no one would buy it.

"Now what should we buy next?" asked Jiang cheng ignoring Wei wuxian complaints about the price of dresses.

"I don't know." replied Wei wuxian.

"Jewelleries? Groom also wore jewelleries right?" exclaimed Jiang cheng and Wei wuxian nodded his head.

"Let's go there." Jiang cheng pointed at the jwellery shop near clothes shop from where they just bought dresses.

They bought three hairpins, one for wedding ceremony, one for wedding banquet and third was extra that Jiang cheng insisted on buying. They also bought two pairs of boots and many others things. Other than Wei wuxian stuff Jiang cheng also bought himself new dress and pair of boots.

In total they spend 385 gold tales [18,480,000$].

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