Chapter 39

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"I don't like that you are sitting here with us for dinner with a face like that." Seokjin said seeing Taehyung in front of him.

"What choice do I have? Turned out your grandfather wanted us to be close." Taehyung said rolling his eyes as he played with the food served by Jimin.

"Jinnie, your grandfather wanted the both of you to build your relationship as siblings. Please try to be good to each other." Jimin said.

Seokjin threw an annoyed look at Taehyung.

"Where is Kookie?" He asked, changing the subject.

"Why? Does Jungkook holds everything about you and you can't eat without him?" Taehyung asked.

"You are so annoying! Do you have to give comment to everything I say? I was not even talking to you!" Seokjin said.

"Your very loud mouth won't even stop talking and you want me to stop commenting?" Taehyung debated.

"Then cover your ears! I don't like talking to you!" Seokjin said but Jimin is not having it anymore.

"Both of you stop! Can't we just have dinner in peace?" He asked with a soft tone.

"Peace is something this guy in front of me do not know. He hurt my Kookie. Even he is handsome like me, I still don't see how he became my brother. He is so..." Seokjin stopped trying to find the right word to use.

"What?" Taehyung asked waiting for what his brother was about to say.

"So... hmmm... just handsome." Seokjin said and ate.

Jimin tried to control himself from laughing because of what Seokjin said.

Taehyung was confused and did not know if what Jin was saying is even an insult. He finds his brother very adorable and amusing. His grandfather said the latter grew up being very isolated to the world due to his fear of losing the only family member he has.

Even though Seokjin was able to learn some physical skills to protect himself, still, he was like a baby as a result of being overprotected and isolation from the outside world.

But the more he encounters Seokjin, the more he understood why he is being protected by the people around him. He is just too cute and too adorable. If he is not his brother, he might really like him, but it's also nice to be a brother to him.

He shook his head when he realized what he was thinking. It's not as if his father did not give him anything and everything he wants.

Kim Hanbi has always been so kind to him. Even though he is not his real father, he gave him everything he wants and needs. He protected him from everything that could hurt him but somehow, knowing that he was kidnapped as a baby, changes the way he knew his known father.

"Eat before your food gets cold." Jimin said as he looks at him.

Taehyung realized he was deep in his thoughts that he did not notice his brother already finished his food.

"I told you, Jiminie-hyung, he's just handsome. He might not even know how to eat the food you cooked. I feel sad for him." Seokjin said innocently.

"What are you even saying? I know how to eat mashed potatoes and steak. Where'd you think I came from? The outer space?" Taehyung asked.

"Are you an alien?" Seokjin asked amusingly. "No, wait, but that can't be because you're my brother. Wait, you are being sarcastic to me. Jiminie-hyung, are there aliens?" He asked Jimin.

"I can't believe this." Taehyung said and stood up from the table. "I'll eat in my room."

Seokjin's eyes widened when he said that and stood up to block his way. "What are you doing?" Taehyung asked.

"Don't eat in your room. Ants will eat you." Seokjin said.

"What?" Taehyung asked with more confused look and Jimin was trying his best to stop himself from laughing.

"Oh, Kookie said you cannot bring food in your room because ants will smell it but of course you will finish your food when they come because they are too small, so they will eat you instead."

"What in the world...look, ants don't eat people."

"They do. When a person dies, ants eat it."

"That's a dead person!" Taehyung said a little louder.

"Still human."

"Oh my god... why do I even have to deal with you?"

"Eat here! I don't like the house to be pested by ants." Seokjin said and pulled Taehyung back to his seat, taking his plate and putting it back on the table.

Taehyung had no choice since Seokjin won't stop saying a lot of things if he'll keep on fighting him.

Jimin was smiling while watching them. Seokjin is truly special and he hopes Taehyung will realize that.


"Why didn't you join us for dinner?" Seokjin asked upon seeing Jungkook in their room.

"I'm sorry, Jinnie. Your grandfather called. You know that I still need to answer to him." Jungkook said as he sat on the bed, and Seokjin came to him to sit beside him.

Seokjin pouted but Jungkook pulled him and let him sit on his lap.

"How was your dinner?" Jungkook asked as he hugged him closer to his body.

"It's fine. Taehyung was about to eat his food in his room but I stopped him. I said ants will eat him if he would do so." Seokjin said.

"Really?" Jungkook asked, almost laughing, imagining Taehyung's reaction.

"Yeah. He said it's impossible but we have watched the video when the ants ate the dead person so it's not impossible, right."

Jungkook nodded while he bit his lip, trying his best not to laugh.

"He looks sad sometimes. Maybe he did not have a good childhood. He kept on saying that he was raised well but if he was raised well, he should not have that kind of attitude. He's very mean and he does not like me." Seokjin said. "I always wanted a brother but whenever I see him, he always looks angry at me. I hate eating when someone is mad at me."

"Why don't you tell him that?"

"He might be more mad because he'll know I am fighting him because I like his attention."

"You like his attention?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes." Seokjin nodded and Jungkook furrowed his brows. "I like his attention as a brother." Seokjin said in a low voice. "When I first saw him, I looked at him intently because he looks a lot like my father. Even though that was years ago, and I was still a child, I kept their picture with me. Hal-abeoji would always tell me that I look like eomma and probably the reason why we don't look alike.

We're very different but we're the same in a way that we did not grow up with our parents.

For him, he is not sad, because he grew up thinking that he has a dad, when in fact he was done wrong by the person he thought was his dad.

I did not grow up with any parent but I grew up with you when my grandfather had been busy. I mean it's not that bad but I know it's different from normal.

Now that I have my brother with me, I finally have someone I can call another family. I am supposed to build my relationship with him but we only fight everytime we see each other. I know I am also mean to him but I can't help it whenever he looks at me as if I caged him here with me." Seokjin said with sadness in his tone.

Jungkook hugged him tighter. He felt Seokjin crying over his shoulder. He knows that the pain of losing his parents is still there. Despite of having Taehyung now, the latter don't want to accept him as his brother anyway, which angers him a lot. The man still connects with his kidnapper dad and it hurts Seokjin whenever he hears him do that. He feels like he will never be loved by Taehyung as a brother.

✅ Completed: The Hot BodyguardWhere stories live. Discover now