06 - Taylor's naked

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" Dad?" I asked immediately I approached the basement door. I slowly held the door knob as I turned it and opened the basement. I walked down the stairs to meet Jim sited on a chair, tied by a huge rope. A gasp escaped my lips as I rushed to him.

" Dad are you alright?" I asked as I watched him struggle to speak. " Who did this?" I asked as I ripped the tape off. " Those men!" Dad cursed between gritted teeth.

I released dad as I watched him get up. " Which men?" I asked completely lost. " Those gangsters, what do they called them, rip 'em 'n pirates." Dad grits as my eyes grew wide.

" R- r- rip em n pirates?" I stuttered as I watched dad approach the door as he left. I sighed. What do I do? Those guys were another set of gangsters whom my dad was owing debts.

I scratched my head in frustration as I sat on the floor. Before I knew it, my eyes had flooded. My family was perfect before, but now, my family was a total nothing.

My mom had died fourteen years ago. My dad couldn't handle the shock and had ran mentally unstable. Behaved crazy and immoral. Became a drug addict over night and had sudden connections with gangsters whom he took several loans from.

Since I was eight I have been the one taking care of this shattered family. My life was a total nothing. Always trying my best to provide food on the table and at the same time wanting to pay off the debts within the time I was given to.

It always seemed like the more I paid the more loans Jim took. I sighed. I couldn't stop Jim from taking the drugs and loans, he was too crazy to understand what I was going through.

There was many times I planned to runaway, but the fact that my mom treasured him a lot was what made me care.

I sighed as I cleaned my tears. I was owing up to a million dollars and how to gather enough money to pay was what I was thinking about. I've been saving a lot for fourteen years but still no improvement.

I stood up as I walked out of the basement with my tears filled eyes and my vision blurry. I sniffed as I stepped out of the basement and approached my room.

I opened the door as I walked in, my room wasn't a mess as I always kept my bedroom shut when I always wanted to leave home. I started doing that, when I noticed that each time Jim stepped into my room he would always pass out after seeing the picture of my mom.

He really loved her and the loss was affecting him till date. I shut my bedroom door as I approached the bed and fell on it with a sigh.

I shut my eyes trying to calm my tears down as I soon drifted into sleep.

The next day.

I spent the whole day arranging my home. Fixing every single room that was destroyed. Making everywhere look almost neat and comfortable again, and thankfully I was able to convince Jim to help me do some things I couldn't do.

I sighed as I stepped into my bathroom. I walked out after a quick shower as I wore my nightdress. I got into bed and was holding my pillow firmly.

I exhaled as I moved my eyes to my alarm clock. I stared at the time and it was just 8:34 pm. I bit my lower lip as I shut my eyes. I opened my eyes again as I sat up. What day was it again?

I glanced at my calendar and saw it was on the 4th of October, it was Wednesday today. I immediately stood up as I approached my bathroom as I showered. I was supposed to be at Taylor's home today. I picked out a dress from my wardrobe as I got dressed in it.

I fixed my hair in a messy low bun, wore a perfectly black mini leather fled gown, and black high heel boots. I applied a bit of mascara to my face as I picked out my purse and placed my phone inside.

After knowing I looked alright, I stepped out of my room. I checked if Jim was sleeping and yes he was. I left the house quietly as I was about to call a cab when a car came right at my house.

I heard a honk as I just stared at the car. Was he the one picking me up? I approached the car as I saw a chauffeur inside.

I got in at the back as the car drove off. After a really long drive, the car finally pulled over by the gates of a huge mansion. I stared at the mansion with awe as the gates opened and we were let in.

It pulled over right on the driveway as I alighted the car. I watched the car go before entering into the mansion. Stepping in I was greeted by what a beautiful sight it was in here.

Although the house was lonely, it was beautiful. It was a castle with the name mansion as a disguise, the beautiful white marble floor and dimmed chandelier that hung across the living area.

Everything in here was just perfect. My eyes trailed to the carpet that led to the long flight of stairs. I watched a man in a butler's suit approach me with a slight bow which I of course returned.

" Good evening Miss Wesley. Master Taylor's bedroom is this way." He directed as I clumsily nodded. I watched him take me to Taylor's bedroom and when we reached the door, he paused as he gave a slight bow again before leaving.

I breathed in and out as I knocked on the door. " Who is it?" Sounded Taylor from inside. " Tessa." My voice was frozen. He said I come in as I obeyed. I opened the door as I walked in.

I shut the door. " Sorry I'm late, I totally for.." before I could finish I traced my eyes to where Taylor was and he was naked.

Heyyyy my dear readers.

I love y'all. I'm so happy about this book and I can tell you all are too.

Please comment because I love reading feedbacks, vote because I love seeing the names of my readers pop up on my screen and also share.

Love y'all!!!

- Hearts.

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