Chapter 21

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For a woman who causes Misha to freeze in fear at the mention of her, the dragon matriarch is smaller than she expected. In her mind, Harper has built up this image of a woman that towers over everyone. If she is honest with herself, Harper had built this image of a literal dragon waiting on a platform surrounded by treasure and pawns. But the woman standing near the trio makes her feel ashamed of her biased imagination.

Standing a little taller than five feet with a honey blond bob, Harper would easily lose track of her in a crowd if not for the aura that surrounded her. She looks confident but not arrogant, and those around her appear comfortable and relaxed. Even Talon seems calmer and is talking at a slower pace. Something about the woman makes Harper want to trust her.

But the story that Misha shared the night she was attacked makes her keep her guard up. Judging by how close Alistar is standing behind her, Harper assumes that he is also keeping a close eye on the matriarch.

After exchanging a quick hug with Talon, the dragon leader turns to the outsiders and offers them a hand and a smile. "Welcome Ms. Bishop. It is good to finally meet you after so long. I am Apricity Hawthorn, Misha's mother."

"The pleasure is all mine, Madame Hawthorn," she replies, reaching out and clasping her hand around the older woman's. Despite the gentleness used in the grip, Harper can feel the strength hidden in the slender appendage. "And I'm sorry we never got to meet sooner."

" No need to apologize for the mistakes made by my son," Apricity replies dismissively. " Speaking of my son, Talon informs me that there was an incident at your home last night and Misha is responsible for damaged property? "

" Oh, umm he and my brother got into a fight and it led to a window getting broken. But we're going to get it taken care of."

"My son will have it taken care of before you return home today." She turns to Talon, and hands him a phone. " Please see that the matter is tended to for me."

" Of course, my lady," he replies with a slight bow. " Bye Harper. Bye Alistar. If I'm not back to escort you guys home, I'll come by and see you later this week. Have fun!"

He disappears before Harper can offer a response, leaving her and Alistar alone with the matriarch.

"Come walk with me, Ms. Bishop. You may come as well, Hell prince, but I assure you that no harm will come to either of you here."

"You will understand if I prefer to ensure our safety myself rather than trust those who we suspect may be behind a plot to harm the intended of the king,"


"It is fine, Ms. Bishop. It is natural that he is suspicious of me. Dragons and demons have a long, dark history. And..." The dragon pauses for a moment. For the first time since Harper laid eyes on her, the older woman appeared nervous and a little bit ashamed. "After what happened between you and my son, I would not blame you if you were also a bit leery of my intentions."

"Madam Hawthorne..."

"Do you know why I invited you here, Ms. Bishop?"

Harper opens her mouth to reply when suddenly she feels Alistar presence in her mind and words flow without her having any way to stop them . "Because you want to ensure that Misha and I are not planning to rekindle our romance."

A cold chill runs down her spine as Harper resists the urge to turn and confront her brother-in-law. How could he just take control like that? And how could he force her to say something so accusatory to this woman? Maybe Alistar is the one trying to kill her and is trying to have her frozen to death at the hands of the dragons?

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