31. 𝑴𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈.

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I open my eyes and instantly felt a string pulling in my body, I slowly look around in the room trying to adjust the light and my mind, I look beside me to find my husband staring at me with a smile and calm look on his face.

He lift his palm up and it rest down on my cheeks slowly rubbing it with his knuckles, "Good morning.", he whispers in his morning voice.

"Morning.", i reciprocate with a small smile.

He slowly started to lean in to my face and he slowly pressed his lips on the crown of my face and said, "Go, take a shower then we will have breakfast."

"Okay.", I replied and stand up from the bed, the cotten sheet wrapped around my body. I can feel his gaze burning on my skin giving me chills, "Can you stop this?"

"What?", he asked innocently blinking his eyes, his messy hairs falling on his face making him look so sexy and hot in the morning with the dim sunlight entering the room through white curtains.

"Stop staring at me with that smrik.", I said trying to leave when he tug on the sheet around me and said, "You will look good without this."

He stand up leaning in closer to my face, his muscular arm wrapped around my waist pulling me closer to his body which causes our lower parts to press against eachother. I pressed my lips together to supress my moan when his index finger moved down tracing my neck to my shoulder in a sensual way.

If he continues like this, I really end up moaning and asking for more. He lean in closer when I placed my palm on his lips blocking him to kiss me, "Stop it, I have to leave for university."

"Take leave.", he just murmurs. I sighs and push him away and made my way towards the washroom, "I will surely get my kiss today, Miss."

I chuckled and close the door, after taking a shower and cleaning myself, I change my clothes and come downstairs. He wasn't in the room. My gaze searched for him all around the hall and the drawing area but my eyes stopped in the kitchen to find him cooking so pancakes only in shirt.

I slowly take steps, trying not to make any voice which draw his attention. I tip toe and slowly move to his bare neck to give him a kiss but he turned his face making our lips collide.

I quickly step back with a pout, "Nice try, next time better luck."

"Well, were you intention is to kiss my neck?", he asked smriking leaning down in my face level and holding my chin to face him.

"You cheated.", i mumbled, he frown and whispers slowly, "Then let me fix it."

He started to lean in when I step back, if he just kiss me again he will not stop. I saw last night but I really feel so embarrassed for being dirty like that.

"I am hungry.", I said and he sighs standing straight with a pout, "I am hungry too, let me eat."

"Shut up, you pervert.", I said going to the plate of chocolate pancakes which is with chocolate syrup, slowly two muscular wrap around my waist from the back.

I can feel his hot breath on my neck skin burning as he lean a soft kiss on my neck sending shivers down my spine and giving me goosebumps.

"Ah, let me eat peacefully.", I said turning my face to him but immediately he captured my lips in a soft melting kiss, his lips sucked my lower lips in a sensual way giving me shivers.

After some couple of seconds he broke the kiss and peck the crown of my head, "I am gonna take a shower, write your exam perfectly, okay?"

"Yes, I will.", I said chewing on my food.

Jungkook's Perspective -

I stop the car infront of her university and lastly spoken, "Best of luck.", with a peck on her forehead.

She flashed me an smile and kiss my cheeks and step out from the car closing the door while waving buy, "Bye."

I watched her disappearing from my sight as she entered inside the university with her stuff loaded in her black bag pack, I hope she will do better.

Well, I am going to visit shopping mall to buy something for my girl or else should I take her on shoping? It's nice, I am great.

I start the car driving straight towards the office, after I reached I parked the car and entering inside the building while the receptionist greeted me with a smile, i reciprocate with a smile before entering into the elevator. As when the elevator open, I walk out going towards my cabin.

I open the black file which is of my previous deal, i start checking the documents with bored expressions on my face.

I wonder, what my girl must be doing? Of course she must be writing her exam, but I wonder how her moans made me lost my control over her.

My touch affect her body so much, how my fingers moved in and out from her wet core and how she moaned my name, how her eyes were closed when I am doing or talking those dirty things to her. How her precious body get touched by me.

I want to do everything again, I want to fuck her brain out, I want her to moan my name from her pretty mouth again in that seductive voice. She looked so seductive when she was all wet and sweaty under me moaning and asking for more.

"Sir.", my thoughts interrupted by my secretary, i sighs and face palm myself and asked, "What?"

"CEO of other company is here for meeting sir.", he said with some files in his hands.

Author's Note:

Maybe I update late again because my exams is going to start soon and I don't want to perform bad, but I will surely update this on Sunday or weekends.

I hope you guys are doing well.

Do well and stay healthy.

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