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Sun was busy watching the camera feed, when he noticed Moon in his peripheral vision, standing still and staring at the ground. Sun knew something was wrong and slowly approached Moon.

As He got closer, He realized that Moon seemed to be having a breakdown, having a hard time speaking or react to anything.

Sun was worried, and he gently rubbed Moon's shoulder, trying to comfort him.
Sun slowly asked, "Are you okay?"

Moon didn't respond; still staring at the floor as he started to tremble even more.

Sun was baffled by Moon's behavior; he didn't know what was causing Moon to be like this. He was hesitant and careful with his words, trying to make sure that he didn't make things worse.

Sun asked, "Moon? Is there something wrong?"

Moon continued to tremble and his breathing was short and shallow. Sun could see that Moon looked like he was about to burst into tears.

Sun was even more concerned now, he suddenly noticed that Moon starting to tear up, and he knew that something was definitely wrong. His heart was racing as he tried to think of anything that could help.

Sun gently laid his hand on Moon's shoulder, trying to comfort him. He spoke in a soft voice, "Hey, take a deep breath, okay?"

Moon continued to tremble, but he tried to follow Sun's instructions, it was difficult for him. He still trembled, and his breathing was still shallow. He struggled to make it through the instructions, but Sun remained patient with him.

Sun told moon patiently, "That's good, that's good..."

Sun continued to stay by Moon's side, rubbing his shoulder and providing as much comfort as possible. Moon continued to tremble and struggle with his breathing, unable to calm himself down. Sun remained calm and patient, trying to help Moon get through this.

Sun gently spoke, "Hey, you're doing great... you got this."

Moon continued to tremble, unable to speak, but he looked toward Sun, managing a small smile, letting Sun know that he was trying his best to follow through.

Sun continued to gently rub Moon's shoulders, providing as much comfort as possible. He didn't want to overwhelm Moon, so he stayed patient and gentle.

Moon slowly took deep breaths, but he was still having difficulty getting them all the way in. His trembling had decreased, but he was still visibly distressed.

Sunn stayed by his side, providing him with support and comfort. He spoke reassuringly, "It's okay... just keep taking deep breaths."

Moon slowly started to respond to Sun. He took another deep breath, this one a bit easier than the others. Moon managed to calm down a bit more, his trembling slowly stopping. But, his breathing still wasn't completely steady.

Sun continued to provide comfort and support, rubbing Moon's shoulder gently. He looked at Moon, his eyes filled with concern and empathy. He spoke softly, "Good job... you're doing great... just keep going."

Moon slowed his breathing down even further, and his trembling started to decrease even more. Sun continued to encourage him, and he started to look less stressed.

As he took another deep breath, Sun could see that Moon's shaking stop completely, and after several deep breaths, he finally calmed down. He no longer trembled, and his breathing was completely steady.

Sun gave him one final reassuring look, and spoke softly, "See? You did it..."

Sun smiled reassuringly, and Moon returned the smile. He seemed to be doing better now, not feeling as stressed out as before.

Sun was still concerned as to what caused Moon's original breakdown, he wanted to ask moon and learn more about things from his perspective.

Sun continued, "Can I ask you what caused that breakdown?"

Moon remained quiet for a moment, seemingly contemplating Sun's question. He then finally spoke up, still softly, "I just... I really don't know... it has just been a lot for me to handle lately, and I guess I just let it all build up..."

Sun was sympathetic to Moon's situation, and he understood that sometimes things can be overwhelming.

He spoke gently, "I understand... sometimes things can get a bit too much to handle. But do you feel better?"

Moon paused for a moment, thinking about what Sun said. He felt better now, and he could speak more clearly again. He could even smile a bit. But, he also felt a bit embarrassed about having a meltdown in front of Sun.

He then finally spoke, "I do feel better... but..."

Moon wasn't sure if he wanted to continue talking to Sun, or if he should just move past it.

He hesitantly spoke, "It's just... I'm feeling kind of embarrassed now..."

Sun was silent for a moment, thinking about what Moon had just said. He understood how Moon felt, and he didn't want to make him feel more uncomfortable.

He gently spoke, "It's okay... you don't have to say anything you're not comfortable with. But, I wanted to let you know that what happened... it's nothing to be embarrassed about."

Sun could see that Moon felt a bit reassured by his words. Moon felt a bit better now, and he was no longer as embarassed as before.

He slowly spoke up, "Thanks... I just... I haven't really felt this overwhelmed before..."

As Sun listened, he could see that Moon still wasn't sure if he wanted to talk about it. He understood how Moon felt, as he had been in a similar position before.

He slowly spoke up, "I understand... do you want to talk about it more? Or do you want to leave it where it is?"

As Sun waited, he could see that Moon seemed to be in a bit of an inner conflict; he wanted to talk about it more, but he was also hesitant to do so.

He spoke up, "We don't have to talk about it right now... if you want, you can tell me in your own time"

Sun wanted Moon to feel comfortable and open up to him when he was ready. He wanted to be by his side to support him through anything.

Moon was still hesitant, but he finally spoke, "I do want to talk about it... just... not right now..."

He still felt a bit overwhelmed and embarrassed, and he needed some time to gather his thoughts.

Sun smiled reassuringly, and he understood. He was patient and respectful towards the moon's feelings, and he knew that talking about it later on would be better for him.

He spoke up, "That's okay... you don't have to talk about it now. We can do it in your own time, whenever you feel more comfortable."

Moon thought about Sun's words, and he slowly started to feel a bit better.

He took another deep breath, speaking up slowly, "Yes, that... that sounds good... I'll let you know when I'm ready to talk about it."

Sun stayed by Moon's side for a while longer, providing him with extra reassurance. Eventually, Moon felt better, and he thanked Sun for being there for him and comforting him through the breakdown. They were both feeling better now, and Sun reminded Moon that he would be there whenever he needed to talk.

Moon's Breakdown Where stories live. Discover now