Chapter 1: Faith

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Once upon a time in New York City, there lived a community of fairy tale characters known as Fabletown. The Fables who live there arrived hundreds of years ago, after they were exiled from their Homelands.
Through the use of a magic spell called Glamour, they have protected their secret community from the mundane world.
Sheriff Bigby Wolf and his wife Maddie Snow protects them from each other.

A man discusses the weather alongside shots of New York and Fabletown that are shown.

Radio Voice: (radio crackling)...105 today again if you missed it, a record for the date: hottest ever in June. Uh, 103 now and that humidity looks low, but remember, the hotter the air is, the more moisture it can hold. So 103 with 31% humidity is a lot more humid than say, 73 with 31% humidity, and it is muggy out there.

The radio cuts out.

Sheriff Bigby Wolf and his wife Maddie Snow are seen in the backseat of a taxi, being driven to a building.

Tenement Building, south Bronx, sometime after midnight...

Bigby and Maddie step out of the vehicle and lights up a cigarette before entering a building indicated by a note. Once they enter, they spot a toad standing by the staircase.

Bigby: Mr. Toad...

Toad: Shit...Bigby and Maddie! (nervously laughs) Listen, mates I-I know I don't look human. It's a problem, I get it, I just stepped outside the apartment for just a second to see what kind of damage this drunk shit is doing. Just cut me a break, yeah? I'll get me glamour first thing in the morning. Cross my heart. No need to kick up a fuss.

Maddie: Look, no harm done...I'll give you a pass, but listen...

Bigby: If you can't afford to look human, you're going to The Farm. It's as simple as that.

Toad: You can't send me up to live with those animals...

Bigby and Maddie smirk at him, highlighting the irony in that statement.

Toad: You know what I mean.

Maddie: Go see a witch. Get a glamour.

Toad: Maddie, they're bleedin' me dry, mate. The quality of the spell goes down, but the rates keep climbing up. Do you have any idea how much it costs to have an entire family in glamour?

A crash is heard from upstairs.

Bigby: I don't make the rules. Sorry. I can't give you a free pass on this, Toad. My hands are tied.

Mr. Toad will remember that.

Toad: Right. Right.

Maddie: There's too much at stake.

A television crashes through the upstairs window and falls outside, behind Bigby and Maddie.

Toad: Fuckin' hell. See? This is what I called you about, Sheriff and Deputy.

More commotion is heard upstairs.

Toad: You're just gonna stand there? Do something, Bigby and Maddie. Before he completely tears up the place.

Bigby: So, what am I walking into exactly?

Toad: The Woodsman's on another bender... He's been going on like that for hours. Turn this place into dust if you let him. He's in a fuckin' rage.

Maddie: So, what set him off?

Toad: Who knows what it was this time. Man's got a hair trigger. I avoid him as much as possible.

Bigby: When did he start drinking?

Toad: Not sure he ever stopped.

Another crash is heard.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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