☆ 037 - ͙۪۪̥˚

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real life

she heard a honking noise and went outside her room to open the front door. their van was there, and nick stood outside matt's window, talking to him as he waited for jules. the girl walked outside in her pajamas and hugged nick. "i'll put this inside." nick said, pulling away from the hug and winking at her.

jules rolled her eyes playfully as she was left with matthew outside. he had his window rolled down. "hi." matthew said with a soft smile on his lips. jules snickered. "hey matt" she said, smiling softly. the boy looked at jules for a few seconds, before she rolled her eyes with a smile. "out" she said, and matt snickered before he opened the door. the girl wrapped her arms around his neck as he pulled her into a hug. he rested his head on hers carefully. their hug lasted for a good ten seconds before jules pulled away. 

"i gotta go now, nick will kill me." jules laughed, and matt groaned. she tried walking away, but he had her hand in his and stopped her from doing so. without a word, he smoothly pulled her back towards him and kissed her. she smiled against his lips. this time though, it actually was a short kiss. after five seconds or so, matt pulled away. jules chuckled and smiled softly at him, before actually walking away from him and through the front door.

matt entered the van again and drove home as the pair of best friends entered her room, nick laughing. "i got such a cute picture for real!" he said, looking through his photos on his phone. jules looked at him with warningly eyes. "don't you dare post that..." she said, looking at him. nick just giggled.

the night went on and they sat talking in her room. nick and jules had baked chocolate cookies and now ate a few of them as they discussed things for when school was about to start in a week or so. since jules was a junior, and nick was a senior, it was hard discussing about their schedules, but they talked about which subjects they hated and liked and why. "oh my god, you and matt still has that class together right?" nick said, looking at the girl as he took a bite of one of the cookies.

"yeah we do. it's history class" jules nodded, taking a sip out of her pepsi max and glancing at nick. she hadn't thought of it before, but when they get back, her and matthew might even be a couple. before, it was all tension and dirty looks at school, but now? they kissed like it was the most normal thing in the world, but still, they hadn't had the talk about them yet. to be honest, she didn't dare to. what if that conversation triggered the end of 'them'? she would just wait for a little bit more until talking to him about it. "of course it's history! can we please cancel mr. scott or what?" nick laughed, and jules agreed with him with a laugh.

nick's phone screen lit up and he looked at the notification. "why the hell is matt and chris streaming?" nick said, laughing. jules leaned over to see his screen. "what? go watch!" she said, and nick opened twitch on his phone. the girl picked up her phone as well and opened twitch to watch what they were doing. she clicked on the stream and saw matt and chris just sit there, talking to the chat.

jules typed out "if you play fortnite again i'm leaving" and sent it to the chat. nick laughed loudly and and answered the girl with a 'lmao'. the chat started spamming and letting the two brothers know that nick and jules were in the chat. "jules?" matt said inquiringly, looking at the chat. "why are you spamming jules?" matthew said, scrolling up into the chat to read. he read her message and smiled. "no jules we won't play fortnite, we are just here to talk." matthew said, rolling his eyes playfully.

nick giggled. "he's so in love with you" he spoke, and jules gasped, throwing a pillow at him. jules typed out more into the chat. "appreciated, thanks! does this mean i have to listen to your voice though" she wrote, sending it while talking a bit with nick. matt rolled his eyes at her comment but smiled. "you love my voice, don't even start" matt argued back with a smile on his lips, making the entire chat go crazy. "and what makes you think that i do?" she wrote, arguing back. matt smiled suspiciously at the camera, before speaking. "do you really want me to say that here?" matt said, leaning back into his chair with a grin. chris laughed loudly and nick gasped, making jules laugh. "gasp" she wrote, and matthew laughed at her. nick was having the time of his life, watching his best friend and his brother flirt in public, in front of their fans.

soon enough, the pair of best friends turned off the stream to watch netflix and just talk as they loved to do. they talked on and on for a few hours, before it was time for the two to go to sleep. it was one am when nick had fallen asleep, and jules was on the verge to sleeping as well. the house was quiet, and the room was dark.

the morning after, jules woke up at eleven am, nick already being up, sitting up beside the girl. "you slept for a long time, girl" nick said, hitting her with a pillow. jules groaned tiredly but sat up. the pair of best friends went out of her room to eat breakfast, when jacob walked into the kitchen, where the two was sat, talking.

"hey you two!" jacob said, smiling at the pair of best friends sitting and eating. they greeted him. " i just booked us tickets back to los angeles. thought you'd want to visit nicole and kaylee, and i have some stuff back at the house that i need. forgot to bring it when we moved here." jacob continued, and jules immediately stopped eating and looked at her brother. "FINALLY i can see nicole and kaylee again, been missing them!" jules said happily with a smile on her lips. she got up and hugged her brother tightly. jacob laughed in response but accepted her hug. nick smiled at the sight as he finished the last bite of his sandwich. jules and her brother pulled away from the hug and the girl excitedly sat down in front of nick again.

"what day are we leaving?" jules asked curiously, glancing at her brother again. jacob snickered. "tonight." he said simply.


abbie speaks

fav trio reunion YAAAY

i love matt n jules sm you don't get it they're my favs :( 

so sad this book is ending in like ten chaps but i love

you all sm and thank you for 200+ reads!! don't forget to

vote and comment, thanks <3 

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