☆ 039 - ͙۪۪̥˚

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flashbacks + real life

"jules." matt said with a rather soft voice, and jules was a bit shocked since they had never been soft or kind to the other, ever. the girl's face was still turned away from him, not wanting him to see the big red mark on her bare cheek. she fought the will to turn her head and look into his deep blue eyes.

"hey, look at me." matthew spoke once more. he sounded so sincere and soft, and she was sure that she had never heard him speak like this to anyone. it was like he actually cared for the girl. jules would still not turn her head to face him, so he gently grabbed her jaw and turned her eyes to look into his. the pain in her cheek stung as a silent tear rolled down her red cheek. his eyes scanned the red mark left very much noticeable on her cheek. he connected the dots between william and the red mark, and his jaw clenched.

the girl saw his eyes grew a bit darker. it was pure anger deep inside of them, and she tilted her head with a slight confused look on her face. matt didn't look at her now though, he looked at the door leading into william's white, big house. jules understood his plan quickly, but did not want to make even more damage to her and william's situation. the girl tried to stop him.

"matt, don't" jules said with a low voice. it sounded like it would break any second, but it fought. the boy did not care about what the girl said in this moment. matthew left the girl alone on the sidewalk, passing right past her and walking towards the big white house. he opened the door and headed inside, finding william sitting on the couch. matt's jaw ticked at the sight of william. william though, rolled his eyes when his eyes caught him.

"not the jealous boyfriend. please." william said with an annoying tone, standing up to face the dark haired boy standing at the entrance of his living room. william chuckled as he got closer to matt. "i'm done with that bitch. you can take my leftovers, though." he said with a smirk on his face. that was enough for matt to explode. he threw the first punch towards william's nose, and got a good hit. william stumbled back a step and dried off some blood from his bleeding nose before grinning slightly. "round two?" he smiled, throwing a punch at matthew.

jules was now sat at the sidewalk, shaking. her cheek was burning, but her thoughts were only of matthew. why would he go inside if he could get seriously hurt? and why would he do it for her? her thoughts were interrupted by a figure walking out of the house. jules got up slowly, still shaking a bit. she crossed her arms and looked at matthew. he tried walking past her to get to the car, but she took a tight grip around his wrist, not letting him go. he clamped his eyes shut and sighed before slowly turning around to face the girl. he allowed her to see all his open wounds that had re-appeared on his face. she glanced over his face and her eyes filled with worry. matt frowned in confusion, but decided to not say anything. he felt bad for leaving her all alone out here, for his own revenge. well, it was for her as well, but she didn't have to know about that.

"don't look at me like that, i won." matt said with a small smile on his face as he glanced down at the girl in front of him. the girl rolled her eyes before looking into his. the two didn't say a single word. he wanted to though, really. he felt bad for leaving her here when she clearly needed someone, and he felt bad for everything in the past, to be honest, but he couldn't tell her that. not right now.

matt's eyes went from hers to her cheek, and he saw how small parts of the red mark had turned blue. it wasn't a strong blue, but it was definitely going to be a mark there. her cheek was a bit swollen as well, and since he had punched her with a fist, it clearly would leave some kind of bruise. he felt sorry for her, seriously. but he could not show that. he did not allow himself to show or think that. jules broke the intense eye contact, walking past him and getting into the passenger seat. matt closed his eyes and sighed before turning around to get into the car and drive her home.

"he actually cared. like, we were sworn enemies, and he still decided to show up and beat the shit out of him. for revenge of him hitting me, or for revenge from their fight at the party? i have no idea, but i see now. he cared back then, and i didn't notice. of course i didn't notice." jules spoke slowly, looking at her friends, who were stunned by the story that she just had told them. "he clearly had something for you back then, jules. your enemy wouldn't pick you up and beat up your boyfriend for hitting you. and your enemy definitely wouldn't check up on you afterwards." kaylee said, looking at her two friends. nicole nodded in agreement.

the three girls kept discussing about matt, and jules told them about a few smaller details from the past, before they brought up some other stuff. nicole and kaylee updated her about the gossip from back here in los angeles, and jules was shocked to say at least. the three best friends had a great night, and kaylee left later that night to go back to her place, as the two best friends left got ready for bed. it was late, almost two am, when jules and nicole finally fell asleep after talking and laughing for an hour. it was a long day tomorrow. 

abbie speaks

oh i need to write more flashbacks in my next stories fr. 

i love writing flashbacks it's so cute :(

and matt actually caring back then???? this is so



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