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real life

jules woke up by nicole throwing a pillow in her face. "broooo!" jules groaned, dragging out the o. nicole giggled as jules sat up, blinking awake. right when she had straightened up and awakened a little, a soft knock was heard. jacob opened the door. "morning you two. jules, are you coming with me to our house to pick up the last things before it's sold?" jacob glanced at her sister, and she nodded slowly. jacob nodded as well, before closing the door again.

"are you okay? i mean being back here must remind you of your parents and your old house." nicole said, smiling softly and laying a hand on jules's shoulder. jules turned her head towards the girl and smiled. "i'm okay, thank you. it's a little tough yes, but i want to remember this city with happiness and of my childhood, not that i lost my parents here." jules smiled softly back at nicole, and nicole nodded, understanding her point.

the two got up and ate some breakfast, before jules and jacob went off to their old house. the drive there was silent, since the two siblings just enjoyed being back and seeing the beauty of los angeles again. glanced over at his sister, making sure that she was okay. some random taylor swift song was playing on aux and jules was leaning her head onto the window, watching the outside just fly by as they drove towards their old house.

after ten minutes, jacob parked the car outside their childhood house and jules got out slowly, looking at the house. it was a bittersweet feeling, but it stung in her heart, knowing that her parents weren't there to welcome them back home. the big "for sale" sign was still up outside the plot, and her heart broke a little bit reading it. jacob had walked ahead, but turned around to look at his little sister. he decided to not disturb her, but to let her take it in by herself. he walked inside, looking around. jules was still outside, taking it in. she took a few steps towards the door and headed inside.

right as she took her first step into the house, it felt oddly different, but still so familiar. the memories came flushing back as she touched the little lamp on the desk in the hall. she saw her mini-self and her two brothers run around, playing with each other. their parents stood by and smiled widely at their kids happiness. it was almost like she walked into a dream. she was in the room, but no one saw her. jules saw her parents clear, and the three children playing on the floor. it almost made her cry, but she couldn't. she wouldn't allow herself to cry here, because she wanted this place to be known as her safe place with happy memories. she didn't want to remember this place and bound it to the death of her parents and the sad memories.

jules walked around the house, looking through her old room and touching their old dining table. it was such a familiar feeling. the five of them would sit here every evening to have dinner together and to talk about their day. her mom would always tell us about her rude work colleague that seemed to be annoyed by her, while her dad would tell them how great his day had been. leo and jacob would say that they had played some video games together, and jules would tell them that she hung out with nicole and kaylee. it was like a habit. now it was all gone.

an hour had passed in the house, and jacob was still upstairs packing everything that was left before they would leave. jules was sat on a simple chair, since the house had been cleared out and the couch wasn't there anymore. she waited for her brother to finish upstairs. jules looked around, remembering all the good things about this place, and finally felt like it was okay to let go, because the memories would live on with her forever in her heart.

jacob walked down the stairs twenty minutes later, with two big boxes in his arms. "can you go up and grab the two small boxes that's left?" jacob said softly, carrying the two boxes outside. jules nodded before getting up and walking up the stairs to grab the boxes. she carried them down the stairs and outside to the car, where jacob already was waiting. she took a final look at the house, before getting into the car. jacob started the car and backed out of the driveway. jules saw her old house for the last time, and it was okay, she thought. maybe it was okay to realize that loving something also means letting it go when needed. it hurt her, but she felt a relief of getting a proper goodbye of her childhood, before never seeing it in the same way again.

"do you want to go and visit rose and mary?" jacob asked with a soft voice, glancing at his sister. jules looked up with a smile before nodding. 

abbie speaks

crying. this was so sad to write i'm .

okayy so they're taking goodbyes to their house

and ffs i love rose and mary <3 <3 <3 

introducing them next chap!!!


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