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real life + social media


liked by mattsturniolo, nicolassturniolo and 102 543 others

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liked by mattsturniolo, nicolassturniolo and 102 543 others

julesfield xoxo

nicolassturniolo you are stunning girl

julesfield you are my favorite person in this world

leofield you look good jules

julesfield thank you brother

mattsturniolo i'm 5'8

liked by creator

nicolassturniolo HELP?

user67 LMAOOOO come on jules

user02 MATT LMAO

user he's so real

walshnic stunner

julesfield mwah

christophersturniolo hey

julesfield hello chris

as jules scrolled through the comments on her latest instagram post, a facetime notification popped up. she narrowed her eyes from the comments up to the top of her phone, clicking on the call. it connected and nicole's face showed up on camera. jules smiled at her friend. "hey nicole! what's up?" she said, sitting up straighter and holding the phone so her face was slightly visible. nicole was outside somewhere, no clue where. well, nicole knew, but jules didn't.

nicole didn't answer jules for a few seconds. she was focused on crossing a road. after crossing the road, she looked into the camera and turned the volume up. "hey jules!" she said with a bright smile. jules smiled back, and she could see the glimpse of another girl beside her, but only the hair. it was light and blonde. "what's going on? why are you outside?" jules said, leaning back against the headboard of the bed. nicole looked over to the second girl and said something that jules couldn't catch. "uh! we're... just on a walk!" she said with a light giggle. jules was suspicious of that giggle though. she was most definitely lying.

"well.. okay! who are you with?" jules said, nicole turning the camera towards the second girl. it was kaylee. not too hard to guess. "hi jules!" kaylee said with a smile, waving towards the camera. jules smiled back. "hi kay!"

a few minutes went by where the two of them just walked outside and jules talked to them. she was just about to start telling them about matt again, when kaylee cut her off. "wait. we need to go, sorry jul." kaylee said, with a clearly weird tone that jules noticed immediately. she didn't stop them from doing so though. "okay..! talk to you later!" she said, but they hung up before she could finish her sentence. weird?

she sat in her bed, scrolling through tiktok when a knock was heard on the front door. leo was home surely, but he was most definitely playing video games. jacob had work, and wouldn't be home until later, so it looked like she would be getting up to open the door. jules walked out of her room and headed towards the front door with lazy steps. she unlocked the door and let it swing open carefully. two very familiar faces was stood on the other side of the door. jules jaw was hanging open as her lips turned up into a big smile.

"hey girl!" the two girls said, hugging their best friend tightly. jules accepted the hug, processing the fact that kaylee and nicole was here. in boston. she heard footsteps approach from behind her, and she turned her head slightly to find leo standing there. he was surprised to say at least, but his eyes weren't on jules, but they were on nicole. jules turned her gaze towards nicole, who was looking at leo as well. they shared a secret smile, and jules grinned ever so slightly, but turned around to hold her best friends tighter.

"i can't believe it! surely i saw you not that long ago, but hello?" jules exclaimed, pulling away from the hug. nicole chuckled as she brushed a strand of hair behind her ear again. "yeah, and this time.. we're here to stay!" kaylee said, laughing. jules couldn't believe it. to stay? were they moving here? "wait, you're moving here?" jules gasped, smiling. the two girls nodded, giggling. they hugged again, laughing as she helped her friends inside. 

abbie speaks


i'm so so so so so .

okay so prepare for the rollercoaster to start like any second now <3 <3 <3 (i'm sorry)


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