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real life + messages

an hour later, the three friends were sat in jules's room with a warm chocolate in one hand, and a cookie in the other. the three girls were laughing from kaylee talking about a boy she bumped into at the airport, as jules looked to nicole. "so am i totally wrong or do you have something for leo?" jules grinned, nudging her best friend in the side. nicole rolled her eyes with a smile. "i don't know? maybe. the whole best friend's brother trope might not fit in here, girl!" nicole laughed, and the two other girls smiled. "i think you would be cute together. you totally have my blessing." jules said, shrugging her shoulders with a smile, and nicole chuckled.

"yeah, you would be so cute together, really." kaylee agreed, pointing at nicole as she took a sip of the warm chocolate in her hand. jules nodded in agreement. as kaylee and nicole got lost in conversation, jules's phone buzzed in her covers. she picked up her phone, seeing a message notification. she opened the message.


hey jules girl

matt wants u over but he

doesn't want to ask you

himself so

LMAOO i would but

nicole and kaylee just got here

and i want to spend time with them

but i'll see you guys in school?


don't worry

yes we'll see you in school,

please say hi to them from


i gotchu

jules looked up from her phone. "nick says hi to you." she says, and nicole and kaylee turns their head to look at her. "that's kind! tell him we said hi back!" nicole said, smiling before returning to the topic.

they said hi back

many hours later, nicole and kaylee had gone back to their new apartment, and jules had settled down into bed with her macbook resting on her stomach. it was playing 'the maze runner', but jules wasn't very focused on the movie. she glanced at the screen now and then, but mostly just scrolled on her phone, thinking.

she was so unsure about the entire matthew situation. he was like a drug that she could not get enough of, but she also knew it was bad for her. not certainly matt, but love. she didn't want to allow herself to fall in love again, after what happened with william. though, she wasn't sure if what she felt for william was real love, but it was something. finding out that he had cheated on her broke her heart. brutally. she really thought that william was a good guy that would treat her right, but she was so wrong.

jules knew that matt wasn't capable of cheating. well, maybe he was. but she really felt like he wasn't that type of guy. but from her previous experience with boys, she wasn't so sure. he wouldn't slap her, she was sure of that. the night where william had hit jules, he had been so protective over her, almost like they actually cared for each other back then. maybe he did. care. she wasn't sure, but one thing was certain, and that was that jules was afraid. she was afraid of what matthew makes her feel, and how he makes her feel. she didn't want herself re-doing the same mistake one more time. she needed distance from him. to get her thoughts in order, and to figure out her feelings. she was afraid of getting hurt once more.

the girl fell asleep with a hundred thoughts in her mind, ninety nine of them being about matthew sturniolo. 

abbie speaks

miscommunication trope at it's finest <3 <3 no but this is where she

starts to doubt it a lil soooooo

i'm sorry in advance !

4 chaps to go :( 

ilyyy and mwah

˗ˏˋ WAR OF HEARTS ; m. sturniolo 'ˎ˗Where stories live. Discover now