☆ 047 - ͙۪۪̥˚

141 2 1

real life

silence was everything that filled the room when she stepped inside their hall. nick wasn't there, but chris was. she had greeted him, and now it was just quiet. not really awkward, but she could feel the burning stare of matt further down the hall. as she hung her coat up, chris cleared his throat. jules looked at him, and chris gestured towards the boy standing further away. her eyes went from chris's, and for the first time in weeks, her eyes met his again. his gaze was empty, and she frowned slightly.

luckily, nick saved her. nick entered the room, hugging jules. "hey, i'm so excited for us to have a sleepover again!" he exclaimed, taking jules by her wrist and leading her up the stairs. she chuckled, but her focus were on matt. the two disappeared into nick's room, and chris walked up to matt. "you need to talk to her. like, now." chris said, gesturing towards the stairs. "why do i have to be the one to apologize? she's the one that ghosted me for fully three weeks." matt shrugged, crossing his arms over his chest. chris groaned. "it's not like you've been the best either. you did not effort in contacting her. you went and made out with several girls and drank away your problems." chris rambled on, and matt hit him in the shoulder. chris gave him a look.

"look, all i'm saying is don't screw this up. please." chris said, giving him a small smile before heading out of the hall and into the living room. matt stayed there, leaning against the side of the stairs as he sighed. it was now or never. he was not going to talk to her right now though. she seemed happy, and she's with nick. he would wait for a bit.

the sky had grown darker, and the house was dark and cozy, except for the light from the tv. chris had fallen asleep on the couch, the tv on low volume. matt was downstairs in the kitchen, while nick and jules was in nick's room. matt was leaned back onto the edge of the counter, looking at his phone. he was wearing a pair of comfortable black and white pajama-pants and a black t-shirt.

˗ˏˋ song recommendation ; fortnight by taylor swift (ft. post malone) 'ˎ˗

the speaker in the kitchen was faintly playing a taylor swift song. matt didn't bother to switch it, though. the melody was filling the silent air with a little bit of life. the boy turned off his phone and put in on the counter, turning around. it was eleven pm now, and the darkness had taken over the sky. he sighed as he looked down onto the counter.

"i'm getting some real deja vu." a sudden voice was heard. matt's head snapped around, as he turned around slowly. his heart melted at the same time as it broke. he looked at the girl with a look that jules just couldn't describe. her voice broke the silence, but the taylor swift song still playing in the background. jules recognized the tunes, realizing that it was fortnight playing. her eyes went from him to the speaker, then back.

he kept quiet, waiting for the girl to speak. "so." jules said awkwardly, walked a bit closer to the kitchen island. matt was standing behind the kitchen island, leaning against the counter. "i want to, uh, explain." jules continued, putting her hands on the back of one of the chairs by the kitchen island. matt tilted his head, as he raised his eyebrows slightly. "go ahead, please." he said coldly. he didn't mean to sound so cold, but it just happened. she frowned a little, but wasn't exactly surprised by his attitude.

"what i did was wrong. i should've talked to you instead of shutting you out. i guess i've always felt like it's easier to carry everything by myself instead of just talking through stuff." jules begun, her eyes dropping from his and landing on the kitchen island. matt stood up a little, instead of leaning onto the counter. "and i don't blame you for hating me now, really. what i did was shitty and i should've just communicated with you." jules finished, looking at the boy. matt had a tiny frown on his face, his head still a little tilted.

he narrowed his eyes at her as he sighed silently. "i've been doing bad things as well. i've made out with plenty girls, trying to forget whatever i was feeling for you." he started, breaking their eye contact. he sighed. "it went.. over the edge. it started happening frequently, every weekend, sometimes even on school nights." he paused a bit, looking up at the girl again. her eyes were filled with hurt, he could see that from a mile away. she couldn't blame him though. his eyes flashed around the room, before being back on hers again. "but." he started. "no one even came close to making me feel the way you make me feel." matt finished his sentence, keeping his eyes on hers. she took a breath, breaking from his eyes and looking down onto the counter.

"matt. i was unsure before. that's why i shut you out. i was afraid of what you made me feel." jules said. she glanced up at him again, him now standing up straight. matt swallowed, taking in her words, realizing that they were more alike then he thought. he slowly moved towards her. jules rambled on, but matt cut her off. "please, just be quiet so i can kiss you." he said, jules looking up at his words. 

a smile spread across her face as matt grabbed her wrist lightly and pulled her towards him. his arms went from her arm to her waist, slowly pulling her closer. her arms went to his neck, one resting there and the other one touching his hair carefully. she smiled as her eyes went from his to his lips. he broke the distance and they fell into a slow kiss. jules stomach did flips, and it was like all her problems had disappeared. he smiled slightly, tilting his head and bringing her closer, deepening the kiss. he turned her around, her back against the kitchen island counter. the whole moment was filled with deja vu, since this already had happened once, and of course, with taylor playing in the background. it was dark as they moved in the refrigerator light, his arms wrapping around her further.

the kiss was passionate and lasted for a minute or so, before matt pulled away. the pair was breathing against each other's lips, as matt's eyes went from her lips to her eyes. "i think i fell for you, jules." he breathed, glancing at her eyes. they met his, and she smiled. "don't worry, i think i fell for you too." she whispered, chuckling quietly. matt grinned faintly. he couldn't stand the thought of her being with any other guy that wasn't him. he breathed slowly, locking eyes with her. "jules." he breathed. "can i be the only one?" he said, his eyes wandering from her lips to her eyes, watching her expression change. jules smiled. "you always were." she whispered, making him put his lips back onto hers, making her smile.

and sometimes, letting her heart win was actually worth it. after everything, it had been worth it. he had been worth it. 

abbie speaks



i literally screamed writing this i'm so. 

okayyyy and that's their happy eraaaa !!!!

one last chap :( 


˗ˏˋ WAR OF HEARTS ; m. sturniolo 'ˎ˗Where stories live. Discover now