28 - Gentleman

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I had an awful sleep last night.

I can't stop thinking about Minho being a Warden.

That's literally my only takeaway from the conversation I had with Yoongi..

He was absolutely terrifying when I met him, but knowing he used to be good has made me think.. What if I can help him be good again? Help him find closure with the death of his sister?

I'll need to go back to the town. Hopefully I will see him there.

Brunch was served, and I sat quietly at the table eating it.

Jeongin nudged me to see if I was okay, but I just said I was tired, which is a half truth. I am tired, but I'm also nervous.

I want to see Minho again, but what if it doesn't go to plan?

I need to just stay positive, I guess.

After food, I went straight to my room, grabbed my bag and cloak and then slipped out of the front door.

No doubt if anyone knew I was going out, they would either want to stop me, or want to come with me.

I took one of Taes horses and made my way out of the gates.

I need this to work.

I need to prove to myself that I can do some good.

I got to the town and I tethered my horse to a public stable yard, then walked into the more congested areas.

Where could he be?

I spotted the brothel that Hoseok pointed out the other day.

I wonder if there is actually a door to the Gentlemans club next door?

Only one way to find out, I guess.

I entered the brothel, and the front of house was unmanned..

Is that normal?

I walked down the corridor along the connected side, and there were just rooms all along that side.. maybe the secret door is within one of those rooms?

I didn't even think, and I just opened one of the doors, only to be greeted by an older man having sex with one of the workers of the brothel.

I let out a gasp and quickly closed the door before they saw me, and as I stepped back to leave, a man grabbed me from behind.

I inhaled, ready to scream, but I was quickly silenced by a palm, then groped aggressively.

"Let's take you in here, then." The unfamiliar voice spoke, pulling me against my will into one of the rooms.

I tried to use my powers to save myself, but there was some kind of block on me. Nothing worked.

He muffled my screams as he shoved me onto the bed, then pulled up my dress to force himself onto me.

"Get off me!" I wailed, flaying my legs, successfully kicking him and making him fold on the floor.

I sprinted towards the door, but it was locked.


He got to his feet and then moved towards me, cornering me in the room.

"Now I've got you." He practically foamed at the mouth, and the only thing I could think of doing was to run towards the wardrobe.

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